Buddish Mailing Files

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发信人: kftseng.bbs@bbs.nchu.edu.tw (Post Gateway), 信区: Buddhism
标  题: Buddhism Mailing Lists:
发信站: 中兴大学 BBS 收信 Server (Mon Aug  7 00:31:24 1995)

寄件人: David@bbs.nchu.edu.tw [=InterNet E-mail=]
标  题: Buddhism Mailing Lists:
发信站: 国际网路信件 (Thu Jul 27 00:07:43 1995)

以下截录自康乃尔大学博士班 Peng 先生的全球学佛网路资源列表:

(下列全部是英文的 mailing list)

B. E-mail Subscription Lists:
   (1) Bodhi News:
       Edited by Buddhism Study Group at Urbana-Champaign.  Send a short
       message to bodhi@uiuc.edu to subscribe.
   (2) BUDDHA-L:
       An academic buddhism discussion group.  Send the following command:
           SUBscribe BUDDHA-L your_firstname your_lastname
       to listserv@ulkyvm.louisville.edu.
   (3) BUDDHIST:
       Forum on Indian and Buddhist Studies.  Send the following command:
           SUBscribe BUDDHIST your_firstname your_lastname
       to listserv@jpntuvm0.bitnet to subscribe.
   (4) DailyZen:
       A mailing list that contains a daily dose of Zen wisdom.  Each day
       members receive a single Zen story, koan, or quote.  Send a short
       message with your full name to Michael C. Amundsen at:
       to subscribe.  Be sure to include the word "DailyZen" in your subject
   (5) Dharma-talk:
       An international forum for discussions, exchanges of information
       regarding Buddhism and for announcements of Buddhist related events.
       Send the following command:
           subscribe dharma-talk
       to majordomo@saigon.com to subscribe.
   (6) EABUD:
       Mailing list for Eastern American/East Asian Buddhism.  Send the
       following command:
           subscribe eabud your_firstname your_lastname
       to listserv@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu.
   (7) Insight (IMS):
       For discussion of Theravada meditation practice (vipassana, metta,
       etc.).  Send the following command:
           subscribe insight
       to majordomo@pioneer.ci.net to subscribe.  Check
       for FAQ.
   (8) JBE:
       An on-line Journal of Buddhist Ethics, published by Penn State
       University and Goldsmiths College, London.  To subscribe to the
       Journal Abstract, simply send an e-mail message to:
       Leave the "Subject" field blank. In the body of the message
       contain the following:
           sub jbe-l your_firstname your_lastname
       You will then receive information and the addresses of the Journal's
       sites in the USA, Europe and Australia. Published material is
       available through WWW, Gopher and FTP. For further information
       contact the editors at jbe-ed@psu.edu.
   (9) Jodo Shinshu:
       A forum in which issues specific to Jodo Shinshu are discussed.
       Send the following command:
           subscribe a-shinshu-forum
       to listserv@netcom.com to subscribe.
  (10) Purdue Buddhist Society:
       Send a short message to buddhism@mentor.cc.purdue.edu to subscribe.
  (11) Universal Zendo:
       A discussion group about Zen Buddhism with an emphasis on practice
       rather than scholarship.  Send the following command:
           SUBscribe ZENDO your_firstname your_lastname
       to zendo-request@nuance.com to subscribe.
  (12) Winds:
       A monthly newsletter of the Shin Buddhist Resource Center.  Send the
       following command:
           subscribe to-winds
       to listserv@netcom.com to subscribe.
  (13) ZenBuddhism-L:
       Send the following command:
           SUB ZenBuddhism-L your_e-mail
       to Majordomo@coombs.anu.edu.au to subscribe.
  (14) Various lists at think.net:
       Send the following command:
           sub  your_firstname your_lastname
       to listserv@think.net, where  is one of the following:

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