适当的节制 (一) |
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作者: egofree (偶为尼祝福) 标题: 适当的节制 (一) 时间: 2003年 6月19日 9:58:49 星期四 适当的节制 Right Restrain 文/ 阿姜 查 禅师 …restrain and be cautious about the six sense faculties of the eye seeing forms, the ear hearing sounds, and so forth. This is what we are constantly teaching about in so many different ways. It always comes back to this. But to be truthful with ourselves, are we really aware of what goes on? …节制并留心六根的作用:眼观、耳听及其馀四根门的作用。我们不厌其烦所教导 的,总不出这个□围。然而,摸摸自己的良心,我们真得了了分明吗? When the eye sees something, does delight come about? Do we really investigate? If we investigate, we will know that it is just this delight that is the cause for suffering to be born. Aversion is the cause for suffering to be born. These two reactions actually have the same value. When they occur, we can see the fault of them. If there is delight, it is merely delight. If there is aversion, it is merely aversion. This is the way to quell them. 眼睛看到东西,会不会觉得赏心悦目?我们真有省察能力吗?如果我们善加观察, 便会明白喜乐正是造成痛苦的原因,因为厌恶所以有苦,喜乐和厌恶这两种心理反 应,实则可以平等视之。喜恶之心生起时,我们看到它们的过患。喜乐来了,只是 喜乐;厌恶来了,也只是厌恶,这就是对治之道。 For example, we attach special importance to the head. From the time we are born, in this society, we learn that the head is something of the utmost significance. If anyone touches it or hits it, we are ready to die. If we are slapped on other parts of our body, it’s no big deal, but we give this special importance to the head, and we will get really angry if anyone slaps it. 举个例来说,头是身体特别重要的部位,打从娘胎出来,我们就一直被灌输这种观 念,如果有人□到或打到头,我们会马上死掉,要是被打到身体其他的部位,就没 那麽严重。因为我们太看重头了,一旦挨了打,就会勃然大怒。 It's the same with the senses. Sexual intercourse excites the minds of people, but it really isn’t different from sticking a finger in your nostril. Would that mean anything special to you? But worldly beings have this attachment to the other entrance; whether it is animals or humans, it has special importance to them. If it were a finger picking a nostril, they wouldn’t get excited over that. But the sight of this one inflames us. 其他的根门也是这样的,作爱令人亢奋,不过,那跟把手指头插到鼻孔,没什差 别,有何殊妙之处吗?众生执著於此,人类也好、动物也罢,都把性爱看得很重, 要是作爱就像是挖挖鼻孔,就不会令人兴奋了。然而我们的眼睛一看到性,熊熊欲 火就延烧了起来。 Why is this? This is where becoming is. If we don’t attach special importance to it, then it’s just the same as putting a finger in your nostril. Whatever happened inside, you wouldn’t get excited; you’d just pull out some snot and be done with it. 这是什麽缘故呢?不外乎心之所向。不要把「性」看作是天大的事,它跟挖鼻孔没 什麽两样,不管里头发生什麽事,你不会被它撩得喜不自胜,不过是擤个鼻涕,如 此而已。 But how far is your thinking from such a perception? The ordinary, natural truth of the matter is just like this. Seeing in this way, we aren’t creating any becoming, and without becoming there won’t be a birth□there won’t be happiness or suffering over it, there won’t be delight coming about. There is no grasping attachment when we realize this place for what it is. 这和你看事情的角度相去何其遥远?事情的真相本来就是如此,取这个角度来看待 事物,便不会生起任何的念头,不生其心就不会有开端- 不对「性」生起苦乐之 心,对境不生可意之心。一旦明白它是什麽,就不会紧抓不放。 But worldly beings want to put something there. That’s what they like. They want to work in the dirty place. Working in a clean place is not interesting, but they rush to work in this place. And they don't even have to be paid to do it! Please look at this. It’s just a conventional reality that people are stuck in. 但,众生把心安住於占有,乐此而不疲。习於污秽,不乐清净,追逐染垢,甚至不 计代价! 看吧!我们通常是这样而陷溺其中的。 ~~未完待续~~ -- ※ Origin: 台大狮子吼佛学专站 |
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