梵摩達」共有 1 個註解 (更新時間 2025年02月17日 00:01:59)
^增壹阿含經(1)^^ | [[agama1:增壹阿含經弟子品第四|增壹阿含經弟子品第四]][[agama1:增壹阿含經弟子品第四#(九)|(九)]]| 比丘名,原為外道弟子,他的外道師父常和他跟隨在佛陀之後行走,他的外道師父用盡方法毀謗佛陀,而梵摩達則用盡方法稱讚佛陀。詳見《長阿含經》卷十四第21經梵動經。【待研究是否和《長阿含經》中者為同人,以及和後者是否為同人。】or Brahmadatta Thera. He was the son of the king of Kosala, and, having witnessed the Buddha’s majesty at the consecration of Jetavana, he entered the Order and in due course became an arahant. One day, while going for alms, he was abused by a brahmin, but kept silence. Again and again the brahmin abused him, and the people marveled at the patience of Brahmadatta, who then preached to them on the wisdom of not returning abuse for abuse. The brahmin was much moved and entered the Order under Brahmadatta. Thag. vs. 441-6; ThagA.i.460ff. (2024年11月06日 21:28:58)|