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作者: Lai KamLeong 标题: 我个人觉得下面这些语句应该是与佛法相应的 时间: Sat Oct 17 17:38:10 2015 我个人觉得下面这些语句应该是与佛法相应的。对於一味迷信祈求神迹救赎的人们, 这些语句也许可以令大家从另一个角度重新检视思考。我很想知道在佛教的经律中是 否也有类似或相近的说法?希望法友们能够提供相关资料。谢谢。 “Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it.” ? Rabindranath Tagore, Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore Phillips Brooks (1835 - 1893): Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle. John F. Kennedy at 11th Annual Presidential Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., Feb. 7, 1963: "Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < From: 邱大刚 Time: Sun Oct 18 18:23:06 2015 的确这样的例子蛮多的,佛陀通常是给大家钓竿,而不是给一条鱼。 例如《杂阿含经》第1100经记载佛陀教导比丘遇到魔扰时不要惊慌失措,正念系心於 佛而不为所动,觉察到异象是魔所幻化,魔自知无趣,便会退去。 本经中佛陀没有帮比丘赶走魔,而是教他如何对治。不只给他一条鱼,而是给他钓竿 ,这样子比丘才能真正地超越魔境。 c.f. http://buddhaspace.org/main/modules/dokuwiki/agama:%E9%9B%9C%E9%98%BF%E5%9 0%AB%E7%B6%93%E5%8D%B7%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%89%E5%8D%81%E4%B9%9D#一一□□ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < From: Lai KamLeong Time: Tue Oct 20 23:44:07 2015 有一位在dhammawheel.com的法友提到了下面这部经,说的却是相对的状况,也许是 值得让大家思考佛法中的应机性的。 http://agama.buddhason.org/SA/SA0583.htm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < From: Lai KamLeong Time: Tue Oct 20 13:40:02 2015 相应部12相应22经/十力经第二(因缘相应/因缘篇/修多罗)(庄春江译) http://agama.buddhason.org/SA/SA0348.htm 。。。只要以人的毅力、人的活力、人的努力应该达成而未达成者,将没有活力的止 息。。。。。已激发活力者住於乐。。。。 Sa?yutta Nik?ya 12 / Connected Discourses on Causation / 22. The Ten Powers (2) https://suttacentral.net/en/sn12.22 ? Bhikkhu Bodhi, The Connected Discourses of the Buddha (Wisdom Publications, 2000) "I will not relax my energy so long as I have not attained what can be attained by manly strength, by manly energy, by manly exertion." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < From: 邱大刚 Time: Tue Oct 20 23:21:08 2015 随喜 黎锦良 大德的用功。对於佛经研习有兴趣的朋友,也可以加入 https://www.facebook.com/groups/budadigest/ 狮子吼站的读经社团喔 :) -- ※ Origin: 台大狮子吼佛学专站 <http://buddhaspace.org> |
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