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发信人: Tsung wu Ho <tsungwu@email.gcn.net.tw>, 信区: BudaTech 标 题: Re:《心经》英译本 之意见 发信站: 国立中山大学网路组 Mailing List (Tue Jun 10 06:50:46 1997) 转信站: Lion!ccnews.nsysu!buda-tech@sccid.nsysu 来 源: sccid.nsysu.edu.tw 佛经的英文翻译因假设的读者不同,往往有不同的译法。 以下为末学对《心经》英译本 之意见,有意见处随句标出及解释。 The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra 《般若波罗蜜多心经》 When the Bodhisattva Avalokerisvara was coursing in the deep Prajna Paramita, 观自在菩萨,行深般若波罗蜜多时, he perceived that all five skandhas are empty, thereby transcending all sufferings. 照见五蕴皆空,度一切苦厄, → as he perceived that all five skandhas are empty, all sufferings disappear. Sariputra, form (the Form) is not other than emptiness (the Empty) and emptiness (the Empty is) not other than form (the Form). 舍利子,色不异空,空不异色, Form is precisely emptiness and emptiness precisely form; 色即是空,空即是色, →The Form is no less than the Empty, the Empty is no less than the Form. so also are sensation , perception , volition , and consciousness . 受想行识,亦复如是, → so are the ................ Sariputra , this voidness of all dharmas is not born , not destoryed ; not impure , not pure ; dose not increase or decrease 舍利子,是诸法空相,不生不灭,不垢不净,不增不减, → ..., the nature of dharma has no growth, no decay, ........ In voidness , there is no form and no sensation , perception , volition , or consciousness 是故空中无色,无受想行识, → In its nature, No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind ; 无眼耳鼻舌身意, no sight , sound , smell , taste , touch , thought . 无色声香味触法, There is no realm of the eye all he way up to no realm of mental cogntion . 无眼界,乃至无意识界, → There is no realm for vision and cognition. There is no ignorance and there is no ending of ignorance through to no aging and death, and no ending of aging and death. 无无明,亦无无明尽,乃至无老死,亦无老死尽, There is no suffering, no cause of suffering, no cessation of suffering, and no path. 无苦集灭道, → There is no such things as suffering, causes of suffering, cessation of suffering, and salvation. 「 道」此处以 "salvation" 或许在英文上较易了解。 There is no wisdom or any attainment with nothing to attain 无智亦无得,以无所得故, bodhisattvas relying on prajna paramita 菩提萨□,依般若波罗蜜多故, have no obstructions in there minds . Having no obstruction, there is no fear ; 心无挂碍,无挂碍故,无有恐怖, and departing far from confusions and imaginings , 远离颠倒梦想, they reach ultimate Nirvana . 究竟涅盘, → 上五行, 我译为: There is no wisdom and any attainment, because of the state of unattainment, it's Bodhisattva, by practicing prajna paramita, the minds have no obstructions; accordingly, there is no fear and departing far from confusions and fantasies, eventually, the state of Nirvana is attained. All past, present, and future Buddhas relying on prajna paramita attain anuttara samyak sambodhi . 三世诸佛,依般若波罗蜜多故,得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提, → 法尚应舍, "relying" => "practcing"。 Therefore, know that the parjna paramita is the great mantra of power , the great mantra of wisdom , the supreme mantra , the unequalled mantra , 故知般若波罗蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是无上咒,是无等等咒, → know => knowing。 ...... is the great mantra of power and wisdom, which is supreme and unparalelled. which is able to remove all sufferings . It is real and not false. 能除一切苦,真实不虚, → which removes all sufferings for sure. Therefore , recite the mantra of prajna paramita : 故说般若波罗蜜多咒,即说咒曰, → Therefore, the mantra of prajna paramita is intoned as: Gate, Gate, Paragate , Parasamgate , Bodhi svaha ! 揭谛揭谛 波罗揭谛 波罗僧揭谛 菩提萨婆诃 Gone , Gone , Gone to the other shore , safely passed to the other shore . O prajna paramita ! So may it be. → shore => World "other World" 译为彼岸, "this World" 译为此岸,已是宗教 哲学的用法 请指教 何宗武 |
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□ 台大狮子吼佛学专站 http://buddhaspace.org |