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发信人: jses1.bbs@ptt.cc (冠翔) 看板: astronomy
标  题: Re: [新闻] 仑琴X射线卫星ROSAT即将重返地球
发信站: 批踢踢实业 (2011/10/23 Sun 12:01:58)

ROSAT has Re-Entered

    The German ROSAT X-Ray Observatory Satellite has re-entered Earth's
atmosphere on Sunday, October 23, 2011 between 1:45 and 2:15 UTC according
to the German Aerospace Agency, DLR. At this time, it is uncertain wether
ROSAT debris hit the surface or crashed into the Ocean. Launched in 1990,
ROSAT spent the last 21 years and 4 months in orbit.

    During the Entry time frame, the satellite passed over the Indian Ocean
and parts of Asia (Myanmar and China). USSTRATCOM predictions had estimated
re-entry to occur after the perigee at ~2:00 UTC for a crash just south of
Chongqing, China - the largest city in the world. If ROSAT actually hit land
will be announced later when more data has been analyzed.


※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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