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发信人: MI5Victim@mi5.gov.uk, 看板: destiny
标  题: MI5 Persecution: Shoot to Kill 4/4/96 (13537)
发信站: NewsGuy - Unlimited Usenet $19.95 (Sat Jun 23 11:24:02 2007)
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Newsgroups: uk.misc,uk.politics,alt.politics.british,soc.culture.british
From: jbaker@pobox.com (Jill Baker)
Subject: Re: MI5 Persecution: How and Why Did it Start?
Reply-To: jbaker@pobox.com
Date: Thu Apr  4 05:03:01 1996

jbaker@pobox.com (Jill Baker) wrote:

>bu765@torfree.net (Mike Corley) wrote:

>>Why would
>>the security services expend hundreds of thousands of pounds and more than fiv

>>years of manpower to try to kill a British citizen? Because ...

>So why didn't they just shoot you dead?
>It would have been a lot cheaper.

Please make the effort to respond to this point Mike.
It was a serious question.

        Jill              (my opinions are entirely my own, no-one else's)


Subject: Re: MI5 Persecution: How and Why Did it Start?
Newsgroups: uk.misc,uk.politics,alt.politics.british,soc.culture.british
Followup-To: uk.misc,uk.politics,alt.politics.british,soc.culture.british
References: <Dp5IAr.1EB.0.bloor@torfree.net>
Organization: Toronto Free-Net

jbaker@pobox.com (Jill Baker) wrote:

>bu765@torfree.net (Mike Corley) wrote:

>>Why would
>>the security services expend hundreds of thousands of pounds and more
than fiv
>>years of manpower to try to kill a British citizen? Because ...

>So why didn't they just shoot you dead?
>It would have been a lot cheaper.

I think there are two reasons nobody has taken physical action as opposed
to verbal;

a) A lot of people "know". Perhaps you the reader might not know, but
lots of people in the media etc do. Remember, I was born in the UK and
lived there until a couple of years ago. I don't think these people would
condone state-sponsored murder of someone who might be seen on a good day
as one of their own.

b) Rather than doind anything directly, they're going for spying, verbal
harassment, media harassment, every form of persecution short of the
physical. Because as soon as anything turns physical, the police become
involved; and unless it turns physical, the police can shrug and say 'not
our problem'.

So they persecute you and try to get you to react, either by hitting one
of them (in which case I clearly find myself in the wrong as far as the
police are concerned), or by trying to harm myself (in which case they
can pretend they weren't responsible).

It's a pretty unproductive form of harassment actually, because if you
don't react then they're wasting they're time. Or perhaps they're just
cheap bullies and trying to wreck someone's life, without any ulterior

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