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发信人: coffee.bbs@bbs.me.nctu.edu.tw (想念小水滴~~), 看板: medicine 标 题: A wikiHow article on How to Sleep Comfortably on a Hot Night 发信站: 机械工厂 (Mon Aug 14 17:34:09 2006) 转信站: Lion!news.nsysu!news.cis.nctu!csnews.cs.nctu!news.cs.nctu!WOLF Origin: bbs.me.nctu.edu.tw This is an interesting website. If you have time, take a look at it. ---------------- Your friend just sent you the following article from wikiHow.com: How to Sleep Comfortably on a Hot Night You can view the rest of this page at: http://www.wikihow.com/Sleep-Comfortably-on-a-Hot-Night wikiHow is a collaborative writing project aiming to build the world's largest how-to manual. Our mission is to provide free and useful instructions to help people solve the problems of everyday life. wikiHow is a wiki, which is a website that anyone can write or edit. You can help us, by editing any page on wikiHow which needs improvement. http://www.wikiHow.com - The How-to manual that anyone can write or edit -- □□□ coffee @ adsl-61-56-239-206.BC.sparqnet.net □□□ 交 通 大 学 □ 机 械 工 程 学 系 □ 电 子 布 告 栏 系 统 □□□ telnet://bbs.me.nctu.edu.tw □□□ |
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