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作者: truth (光明) 看板: Buddhism
标题: Re: 怜牲活猴炒冷饭
时间: Wed Jan 22 19:21:00 2014

: ==> 在 [frankk.bbs@bbs.ee.nthu.] 文中提到:
: : 我一直有寻找心灵的归
: : 我家是一般的道
: : 可是我一直无法很"信
: : 我很想找某种宗
: : 不论是哪一种?
: : 能不能给我一些建议?
: : 我想每个人都希望能有一点心灵归属,我也很希望
: : 所以希望能有"高人"指点迷津!!
: 哪天有空我带你去真佛宗

Wan, never do that.  The 真佛宗 is a heretic of Buddhism.  Regarding its
philosophy and ethical conduct, nothing of it relates to Buddhism( both
Mahayana or Hinayana) at all.  The leader of this 真佛宗 is just a lay
person who claim himself as the incarnation of the Buddha.  He has done
many evil things in Hong Kong.  SO DON'T GET REFUGE TO HIM!

"Mere suffering exists, but no sufferer is found
 The deeds are, but no doer is found;
 The tought is, but no thinker behind the thought." -Walpola Sri Rahula
狮子吼站 板面介绍:                                         cbs.ntu.edu.tw
狮子吼读经班, 深入经藏,智慧如海                                 BudaDigest
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