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发信人: jses1.bbs@ptt.cc (冠翔) 看板: astronomy 标 题: Re: [新闻] 澳洲发现新彗星 周五南半球看得最清楚 发信站: 批踢踢实业 (2011/12/16 Fri 20:36:00) 2011/12/15 COMET LOVEJOY UPDATE: Matthew Knight of the Lowell Observatory and JHU-APL reports: "As of 16:30 UT on Dec. 15th, Comet Lovejoy has reached magnitude -3, possibly brighter. It is starting to saturate SOHO images even with narrow filters and shorter than normal exposure times." The comet is now brighter than Jupiter, but not quite as bright as Venus. If these developments continue apace, Comet Lovejoy could become visible to the naked eye in broad daylight before the end of Dec. 15th. See the news item below for further discussion of this possibility. 在UTC12/15 16:30时,这颗彗星的亮度达到-3等或是更亮...(略) 若是亮度持续增加,12/15结束以前的白天有机会直接看见 2011/12/16 COMET LOVEJOY SURVIVES: Incredibly, sungrazing Comet Lovejoy appears to have survived its close encounter with the sun. Lovejoy flew only 140,000 km over the stellar surface during the early hours of Dec. 16th. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught the comet emerging from perihelion (closest approach). Curiously, the comet seems to have lost its tail in transit through the sun's atmosphere. A decapitated remnant tail can still be seen tracing Comet Lovejoy's path into the sun, but the exiting comet has no obvious trail of dust behind it. 在12/16稍早的时间,彗星Lovejoy以只有140,000公里的近距离掠过太阳,并且难以置信 地存活下来...(略) 奇特的是,彗星在经过太阳大气层时失去了尾巴。进入太阳背面前遗留的彗尾痕迹仍可 以看见,但出来的彗星背後已经没有明显的尘埃尾迹。 http://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=15&month=12&year=2011 http://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=16&month=12&year=2011 SOHO的LASCO C3视野中可以很明显地看见彗星进入太阳背面以及出现 http://spaceweather.com/images2011/16dec11/lovejoy_c3_anim.gif SDO影像中显示彗星近掠太阳时忍受的坎坷之路 http://spaceweather.com/images2011/16dec11/ipad/comet_whoosh.m4v SDO影像捕捉到通过近日点後再度出现的彗星Lovejoy http://sdoisgo.blogspot.com/2011/12/phoenix-comet-emerges.html -- ※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: |
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