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发信人: chanz.bbs@bbs.cs.nthu.edu.tw (晨星) 看板: religion 标 题: [讨论] 不可为罪恶留馀地 发信站: 枫桥驿站 (2012/07/11 Wed 05:13:35) 012-06-05 P (转贴:理念相同,代为传布,千祈海涵) 按:你知道魔鬼引诱你犯罪会有什麽结果吗?第一、你会远离神,会失去许 多祝福;第二、罪的工价乃是死,包括肉体的死和灵命的死;第三,你会被 魔鬼踏在脚底下,受魔鬼的欺凌、控制,你会失去基督徒应有的喜乐和平安 。 不过,我要告诉你:你凭著自己,绝对无法胜过魔鬼的引诱和试探,你唯一 得胜的方法,就是投靠救主耶稣基督徒,让他作你的力量,仗著他夸胜,那 你就能把魔鬼踩在脚底下,胜过罪恶的引诱! 求祢拦阻仆人不犯任意妄为的罪。□诗篇19篇13节 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins. □Psalm 19:13 在我童年时,我喜欢骑著一辆由绳子操纵的推车。有一次,我从家门口滑向 马路时,我记起父母的警告:「一定要先左右查看街上有无车辆。」但我自以为 ,就这一次不查看车辆也没有关系。忽然,我听到刺耳的紧急刹车声,车子差点 就撞到我。就这一次违反父母的规定,差点就让我付出了生命的代价。 圣经有许多对上帝的命令明知故犯的例子。当大卫还是个少年,他在牧羊时 就经常默想上帝的律法。他清楚知道十诫的第七条就是不可奸淫。然而,当他看 见乌利亚的妻子在沐浴的时候,他却利用自己的王权抢夺了这位美丽的女人。他 犯下的罪导致了严重的後果(撒母耳记下 11-12 章)。 诗人写道:「求祢拦阻仆人不犯任意妄为的罪」(诗篇 19 篇 13 节)。你 是否也面临类似的诱惑?即使你知道那是错的,你还是想要做某件「就这一次」 的事。例如:浏览色情网站,从公司帐户「借」钱,或是歪曲事实。这些事件看 起来似乎都只是「就这一次」的行为,但是却会导致严重的後果。让我们靠著上 帝的帮助,脱离罪恶,得著从上帝而来的出路(哥林多前书 10 章 13 节)。 HDF 我深知道心易放荡, 远离父家慕虚华, 今献身心求加印记, 永作主民在父家。Robinson 试探会来敲门;千万不要留它吃晚餐! Temptations will knock at your door; don』t ask them to stay for dinner! Just This Once June 5, 2012 □ by Dennis Fisher As a boy, I used to ride a go-cart that was steered with a rope. On one occasion, as I propelled my way down the driveway, my parents 』 warning came to mind: 「 Always look up and down the street for cars. 」 But I rationalized: It 』 s okay not to do that just this once. Then I heard the sound of screeching tires as a car came to an abrupt stop to avoid hitting me. Thinking I could break my parents 』 rule nearly cost me my life. The Bible has many examples of those who knew better but who chose to break God 』 s rules. From boyhood, David had meditated on the law of God while he tended his sheep. He knew that the seventh commandment condemned adultery, yet when he saw a beautiful woman bathing he used his royal power to take the wife of Uriah for his own. This sin resulted in terrible consequences (2 Sam. 11 □ 12). The psalmist wrote: 「 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins 」 (Ps. 19:13). Have you felt tempted to do something 「 just this once 」 even though you knew it was wrong? Glancing at Internet pornography, 「 borrowing 」 money from an account at work, or stretching the truth may each seem like an isolated activity but can lead to terrible consequences. With God 』 s help, turn from sin and find His way of escape (1 Cor. 10:13). Prone to wander□Lord, I feel it; Prone to leave the God I love; Here』s my heart, O take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above. □Robinson -- ※ Origin: 枫桥驿站<bbs.cs.nthu.edu.tw> ◆ From: chanz @ 123-195-17-54.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw |
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□ 台大狮子吼佛学专站 http://buddhaspace.org |