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作者: Chien-Kai Wang 标题: Neuroscience backs up the Buddhist belief that “the self” isn’t 时间: Tue Oct 13 23:17:13 2015 神经科学研究持续佐证佛法所谓心性无常。随著相关研究技术的深入与发展,应有助 於以科学语言□清许多佛法的核心概念,甚至在可预见的未来,协助开发更有效率的 修行策略。 LinkImage: https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQD2lugUtr-EhIIc&w=720&h=720&url=https%3A%2F%2Fqzprod.files.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F01%2Frtr4jv3c.jpg%3Fquality%3D80%26strip%3Dall%26w%3D1600&cfs=1&sx=224&sy=0&sw=1135&sh=1135&_nc_hash=AQAlZiwBcwUYkvyk LinkTitle: Neuroscience backs up the Buddhist belief that “the self” isn’t constant, but ever-changing LinkDescription: You may believe that your essential being has always been the same. But Buddhism□and science□tell us that's an illusion. LinkTarget: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fqz.com%2F506229%2Fneuroscience-backs-up-the-buddhist-belief-that-the-self-isnt-constant-but-ever-changing%2F&h=ATOwZz6ygfigOrBKY-eqU_nttBkMdCo_CUvS4zmjHaQV6QF3Zdl3AvjFF4PzjXE2bUJSsTiyQG4xivfZ4WxAoQ1oswlDMhnYY0_lW32L8DCDcGE&s=1&enc=AZNY8831lzxTnSEE50QTH4juPIWVhu8n_rZXZqponNrpX93RuwojxebmqkLkBM6zPfW7VU-6BNxCjpLnRCr3PKFbpwE-mE4mE40d3wTN6WdybQ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < From: Anderson Chang Time: Wed Oct 14 00:39:34 2015 请问:But neither neuroscience nor Buddhism has a definitive answer on exactly how consciousness relates to the brain. And the two fields diverge on certain aspects of the topic. Buddhists believe that there’s some form of consciousness that’s not dependent on the physical body, while neuroscientists (and Thompson), disagree. 这一段的最後一句,是在讲四无色阴还是无色界的生命?:-) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < From: Chien-Kai Wang Time: Wed Oct 14 00:55:49 2015 看起来是的,以目前神经科学的进展,在技术上连观测依附人身的意识运作都十分有 限了,要再去评论其它境界的意识实在力有未逮。研究者们表达不同意的看法,不见 意味著否定,而是基於缺乏足够证据下的一种不肯定态度。 -- ※ Origin: 台大狮子吼佛学专站 <http://buddhaspace.org> |
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□ 台大狮子吼佛学专站 http://buddhaspace.org |