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作者: Chien-Kai Wang
标题: Neuroscience backs up the Buddhist belief  that “the self” isn’t
时间: Tue Oct 13 23:17:13 2015


LinkImage: https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQD2lugUtr-EhIIc&w=720&h=720&url=https%3A%2F%2Fqzprod.files.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F01%2Frtr4jv3c.jpg%3Fquality%3D80%26strip%3Dall%26w%3D1600&cfs=1&sx=224&sy=0&sw=1135&sh=1135&_nc_hash=AQAlZiwBcwUYkvyk
LinkTitle: Neuroscience backs up the Buddhist belief  that “the self” isn’t constant, but ever-changing
LinkDescription: You may believe that your essential being has always been the same. But Buddhism□and science□tell us that's an illusion.
LinkTarget: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fqz.com%2F506229%2Fneuroscience-backs-up-the-buddhist-belief-that-the-self-isnt-constant-but-ever-changing%2F&h=ATOwZz6ygfigOrBKY-eqU_nttBkMdCo_CUvS4zmjHaQV6QF3Zdl3AvjFF4PzjXE2bUJSsTiyQG4xivfZ4WxAoQ1oswlDMhnYY0_lW32L8DCDcGE&s=1&enc=AZNY8831lzxTnSEE50QTH4juPIWVhu8n_rZXZqponNrpX93RuwojxebmqkLkBM6zPfW7VU-6BNxCjpLnRCr3PKFbpwE-mE4mE40d3wTN6WdybQ

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From: Anderson Chang
Time: Wed Oct 14 00:39:34 2015

请问:But neither neuroscience nor Buddhism has a definitive answer on
exactly how consciousness relates to the brain. And the two fields diverge
on certain aspects of the topic. Buddhists believe that there’s some form
of consciousness that’s not dependent on the physical body, while
neuroscientists (and Thompson), disagree.


> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <

From: Chien-Kai Wang
Time: Wed Oct 14 00:55:49 2015


※ Origin: 台大狮子吼佛学专站 <http://buddhaspace.org> 
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□ 台大狮子吼佛学专站  http://buddhaspace.org