
Stand Up !
Hey Come on, Stand up my friends.

Those hard time had gone away or you like that in your life ?

I still can't write a love song for any man, one of you guys know why !

I miss you all, so come on stand up my friends

or you like hard time in your life.

Hey Come on, Stand on my friends.

The situation is so complicated but I face it, so come on !

I had change, but still what I am & I'm your friend.

I miss you all, so come on stand up my friends

or you like hard time in your life.

Hey Come on Come on Come on

Do the right thing, get what you want !

2006 Chosen for some friends many years ago, those
long hair guys before !

             The way I choose, the way release from .....           □□
                                                 □  .     。          
                                   汲汲退退萦萦      扬风      .  ☆   
      ^^                         □  .     。    .    .   □   □—□ 
       □□□□□□□□□□□□                 苦 集 灭 道       □□
狮子吼站 板面介绍:                                         cbs.ntu.edu.tw
学佛心得.酸甜苦辣留言版 - 释放心灵的尘埃                     BudaFeeling
◆ 修改: 08/09/02 22:21:54 <> 
Fri Dec 15 22:22:46 2006
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