
[问题] 咒的来源
发信站: 批踢踢实业 (ptt.cc )
  咒语  这些的来源是怎麽产生的
Tue Oct 4 14:24:44 2005
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Re: [问题] 咒的来源
※ 引述《datee.bbs@ptt.cc (一人球队的悲伤)》之铭言:
>   一直很好奇
>   一些佛经还有其他宗教 也有一些
>   咒语  这些的来源是怎麽产生的

No matter what religion or what culture, people solemnly declare a command to the
deities(whatever they are known or unknown) or nature for a certain purpose, this
ritual is evolved from prayer. Mantra is part of daily life for the East Indian.
When they wake up, bath, sleep, kill a animal, plow the field, burn incense,
worship, they sing a few verses called mantra. Buddhist mantra use Sanskrit
because it was the offical language for the elites, religion and law even before
the Hiduism era. Buddhism adopted Sanskrit, Pali as the offical text for the
mantra. Other belief system uses their own mother tongue, they may not call them
mantra but the tones are basically the same. Buddha Sakyamuni neither approved nor
disapproved mantras during his life time, because the ritual had been  carried on
for thousand years, u just can't take it away from the people.
2005年10月30日 8:43:08 星期日
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