
Am I tell the correct inspire..?
Am I tell the correct inspire..?

The concept of non-violence is practiced by all great spiritual masters.
It inspires me every day, and I’d like to share it with you.

In most situations, it’s best to choose the path of pacifism, since
pacifism ultimately leads to peaceful, non-violent outcomes.

Thoughts, words and deeds that are peaceful never lead to violence. When
confronted with violence, the fact of not responding in kind and creating
more aggression, eases the tension and prevents it from escalating.

Responding to violence with violence only creates an endless cycle of

If you want to put out a fire, it’s wiser to throw water on it rather
than gasoline. Similarly, there’s no shame in refusing to fight. There’s
no code of honor that says you have to stand-up to an adversary who is
stronger than you, and who could put your life, and the lives of those
close to you, in danger.

Non-violence isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength! It takes more courage
and willpower to refrain from letting yourself become angry or seek
revenge, than it does to give-in to a torrent of violent acts and
Sat Mar 16 13:40:38 2013
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Re: Am I tell the correct inspire..?
Fri Apr 05 00:28:18 2013
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