※ 引述《egofree (ToiletWasher)》之铭言:
> > 请问这是什麽意思?
> 看到了 仅止於看到 是眼根知量
> 听到了 仅止於听到 是耳根知量
> 闻到了 仅止於闻到 是鼻根知量
> 其馀三根 可依此类推…
> 其目的在於
> 让根门的作用 只停留在最初的接触阶段
> 不加入个人的爱憎(欲.爱.念.染著)等主观认知
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
菩提比丘(Bhikkhu Bodhi)在八正道(The Noble Eightfold Path)一书中
To practice mindfulness is thus a matter not so much of doing but of
undoing: not thinking, not judging, not associating, not planning, not
imagining, not wishing. All these "doings" of ours are modes of
interference, ways the mind manipulates experience and tries to
establish its dominance. Mindfulness undoes the knots and tangles of
these "doings" by simply noting. It does nothing but note, watching each
occasion of experience as it arises, stands, and passes away. In the
watching there is no room for clinging, no compulsion to saddle things
with our desires. There is only a sustained contemplation of experience
in its bare immediacy, carefully and precisely and persistently.
正念的修习,倒不是要我们去把事情揽在身上,而是去放下- 不去思考、不去判
每一个动心 每一个步履 一呼一吸 凝神专一 觉生命的苦 无常 无我
愿诸善知识 知法乐法 更从自身做起 净化自己 趣向烦恼止息
常自思惟自已的过患 思过而能改 勿论他人之非 得清凉法喜
常自精勤 日起有功 如光聚於一处 久必能燃 勿耽於逸乐 忘失法乐
勿因年少 轻忽无常之速 当下努力 未学当学 助己助人 同证菩提