
Re: BBS in US
Post Gateway
发信站: 由 狮子吼站 收信 (cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw , 信区: BudaTech)
~---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 14:10:47 +0800 (CST)
From: David Chiou <b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw>
Subject: BBS in US (fwd)

以下是在美国的 Shawn Chang 大德所寄来的信件,
关於在美国设立一中文 BBS ,并与台湾的 tw.bbs
连线,借以集合每每从美国远程 telnet 回台湾的
华人,节省他们 telnet 的时间并且弘扬佛法,
使得美国亦有一中文佛教 BBS 中心。

目前的计画,是在机器及 ip address 等 OK 後,
请 kftseng 师兄以台大佛学研究中心正在筹画的
 BBS 为底稿,稍加修改,即可直接在美国开张,
届时提供众多从美国慢慢 telnet 回台湾的华人

如果值得的话,可能还会再加上 MODEM Dial-Up 线,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 01:03:04 5
From: Shawn Chang <shawn@enter.net>
To: b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw
Subject: BBS in US


I've discussed with 慧开法师(来自佛光山, currently pursuing PhD in
religion in Temple University, PA), 果稠师 (纽约东初禅寺), Mike Chen
(CLC Research, this company set up web page for Hsi Lai
Temple西来寺, their URL is http://www.clcr.com/hsilai/), and
觉凡法师 (Hsi Lai Temple). They all received a long mail which I put
together all e-mails relating to this issue. So they know very
well the progress of this issue.

They are all very supportive. What 觉凡法师 (Hsi Lai Temple) needs
at this point is a more detail description for proposal. Like how
many phone lines? Exactly what kind of work or activities will be
involved? etc. If you could, provide me some detail. So they know
better what to expect and what to do from here.

I'll relay your e-mails relating to this issue to them. And keep you
inform on our progress here. And in the mean time, don't give up on
your side. Buddhism community used to be an invisible group in US.
They are out there but unless you do some digging, it won't be easy to
find them. I hope through the help of either BBS or internet, we can
get them out of their shell and get some fresh air  :-)

By the way, it's pretty easy in US to get online service.
CompuServe, American Online, Prodigy, etc. Mostly just pay for about
$10, you get 5 hours access to their online service, including
internet access. As to internet service provider, like the one I
signed on, give you longer time (15 hours/month) for same price.
They are either 14,400 or 28,800 speed. From that point of view I
prefer very much two-way internet (e-mail) rather than one-way BBS.
However, if BBS can cover those who have no access to internet or
e-mail, I certainly like to see Buddhism BBS established.

Best Regards,

Fri Mar 29 19:33:02 1996
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Re: BBS in US
Post Gateway
发信站: 由 狮子吼站 收信 (cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw , 信区: BudaTech)
From: DavidChiou
Subject: Re: BBS in US

On Mon, 13 Nov 1995, Shawn Chang wrote:

Hello! Mr. Chang:

> I've discussed with 慧开法师(来自佛光山, currently pursuing PhD in
> religion in Temple University, PA), 果稠师 (纽约东初禅寺), Mike Chen
> (CLC Research, this company set up web page for Hsi Lai
> Temple西来寺, their URL is http://www.clcr.com/hsilai/), and
> 觉凡法师 (Hsi Lai Temple). They all received a long mail which I put
> together all e-mails relating to this issue. So they know very
> well the progress of this issue.

    Thank you for the help!

    I'll deliver the relating discussion in 台大佛学研究中心筹画中的 BBS
(信区的设定等事项)  for your reference.

> They are all very supportive. What 觉凡法师 (Hsi Lai Temple) needs
> at this point is a more detail description for proposal. Like how
> many phone lines? Exactly what kind of work or activities will be
> involved? etc. If you could, provide me some detail. So they know
> better what to expect and what to do from here.


1. 不花钱的阶段:

    只要借到一台工作站或是 24 小时连上 InterNet 的 PC ,
就有学生以这种方式架设 BBS 。

    现在这种 BBS 在台湾是主流。(虽然说技术层面不高,
但是是大多数人的选择。)在美国这种 BBS 不流行,
但是只要有人愿意提供工作站或 ip address 就可以架,

    这个阶段,如果我们在美国开立了一个中文的 BBS 站,
那麽对象将是常常从美国 telnet 回台湾的华侨(为数不少),

    我们已有充份的软体支援( kftseng 师兄是中兴 BBS
前任站长、协助架设中正 BBS 等),最主要的瓶颈是在

2. 花钱的阶段:

    如果前一阶段成功了,并且有人有 MODEM ,想要拨接上来的话,
我们可以再加上 MODEM 以及数据机,让没有 InterNet 帐号的人


    以台湾来说, BBS 有两种:InterNet BBS ,以及拨接式 BBS ,
的架设,那麽这个 BBS 将能两者通吃。但是就必须有在美国的人专职


> I'll relay your e-mails relating to this issue to them. And keep you
> inform on our progress here. And in the mean time, don't give up on
> your side. Buddhism community used to be an invisible group in US.
> They are out there but unless you do some digging, it won't be easy to
> find them. I hope through the help of either BBS or internet, we can
> get them out of their shell and get some fresh air  :-)

谢谢 :)

> By the way, it's pretty easy in US to get online service.
> CompuServe, American Online, Prodigy, etc. Mostly just pay for about
> $10, you get 5 hours access to their online service, including
> internet access. As to internet service provider, like the one I
> signed on, give you longer time (15 hours/month) for same price.
> They are either 14,400 or 28,800 speed. From that point of view I
> prefer very much two-way internet (e-mail) rather than one-way BBS.
> However, if BBS can cover those who have no access to internet or
> e-mail, I certainly like to see Buddhism BBS established.

    Thank you for your information, I'll send this data
to people concerning it.

祝 福慧双修!


      URL:  http://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~b83050
   E-mail:  b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw ; david@math.ncu.edu.tw
   邱大刚,  Sophomore of Electrical Engineering Department,NTU.
Fri Mar 29 19:34:25 1996
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Re: BBS in US
Post Gateway
发信站: 由 狮子吼站 收信 (cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw , 信区: BudaTech)
~---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 23:06:11 +0800 (CST)
From: David Chiou <b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw>
Subject: Re: BBS in US (fwd)

以下是旅美读研究所的 tjyang 师兄的调查,
看来在美国架设 BBS 不大容易..

~---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 08:50:59 +0800
From: tjyang.bbs@csie.nctu.edu.tw
To: b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw
Subject: Re: BBS in US (fwd)

:      大刚:
:      给我几天, 看看有没有可能「弄」到一个 ip...

      ip 调查结果如下:

     目前如果要在电脑上加装网路卡, 网路卡本身, ip address 的申请与
     cable 的购买合计要超过两百美金.

     如果要透过系上来做, 就得让我老板付钱; 不过他是新来的教授, 现在手头
     很紧, 他也看不出来我要网路卡除了玩还有什麽大用.

     如果要我自己出钱买卡, 申请帐号; 钱的问题是另一回事, 主要是硬体没有
     人可以照料, 因为我不懂. 系上说得很清楚; 如果要自己私下买 ip,  不透
     过系上, 那电脑出了问题他们就不能负责, 而我自己又不懂...

     不是什麽好消息, 不过目前为止大致答案是如此...



                 无上甚深微妙法    百千万劫难遭遇
                 我今见闻得受持    愿解如来真实意

Fri Mar 29 19:36:22 1996
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