
Update - Buddhist Resource File
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Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 06:27:54 +0800
From: Connie Neal <cin@io.com>
Subject: Update - Buddhist Resource File

Dear friends:

I hope to continue the great work Hsuan Peng has done with this list.

New in this update:

* (New) WWW for Amazon.com Books
* (New) WWW for Charles Muller's Resources for Buddhism and East Asian
* (New) WWW for The Dharma Centre of Canada
* (New) WWW for Dharma Communications
* (Updated) WWW for Dzogchen Foundation
* (New) WWW for KPC Tibetan Buddhism and Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo Home Page
* (New) WWW for Kichuudoo (Japan)
* (New) WWW for Korean Buddhism: World Wide Web Virtual Library
* (New) WWW for Lama Surya Das
* (New) WWW for Pariyatti Book Service
* (New) WWW for The Path of Awakening
* (New) WWW for UK Buddhist Addresses
* (New) WWW for The Web Dictionary of East Asian Buddhist CJK Terms
* (New) WWW for Weatherhill
* (New) WWW for Windbell Publications

Please discard the old version.

I am maintaining a mailing list for the distribution of this resource
file.  Drop me a mail if you want to be  to the list.  You will only get
the update once a month or so, no junk mails.

Take care,

Connie Neal

========================= Buddhist Resource File ============================

This is a list of resources related to Buddhist literatures and activities.
Please send comments, requests or updates about the contents to Connie Neal
(cin@io.com).  An HTML-version of the file can be found at:

  * http://www.io.com/~cin/

Both the text- and HTML-version can be downloaded from the Buddha-L list
server maintained by Mr. Jim Cocks:

  * ftp://ftp.louisville.edu/pub/it/listfiles/buddha-l/buddhist.resource.guide
     (text version, ~47 Kb)

  * ftp://ftp.louisville.edu/pub/it/listfiles/buddha-l/buddhist_html.zip
     (compressed HTML version, ~26 Kb)

Another useful list is the FAQ for talk.religion.buddhism by John Kahila
(kahila@kyyppari.hkkk.fi), available at the following addresses:

  * http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/buddhism-faq/top.html
  * http://www.lib.ox.ac.uk/internet/news/faq/by_category.buddhism-faq.html
  * ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group/talk.religion.buddhism
  * ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group/news.answers/buddhist-faq/

Or you can get a most recent copy of the FAQ by sending an e-mail with the
following command in the mail body:

     send usenet/talk.religion.buddhism/*

to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu.


Connie Neal
first version: November 14, 1994
last update:   June 23, 1996

A. USENET Newsgroups:
   (1) alt.meditation
   (2) alt.meditation.transcendental
   (3) alt.philosophy.taoism
   (4) alt.philosophy.zen
   (5) alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren
   (6) alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren.shoshu.news
   (7) alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan
   (8) alt.zen
   (9) soc.religion.eastern
  (10) talk.religion.buddhism
  (11) tnn.religion.buddhism.shinshu
  (12) uk.religion.buddhist

B. E-mail Subscription Lists:
   (1) Bodhi News:
       Edited by Buddhism Study Group at Urbana-Champaign.  Send a short
       message to bodhi@uiuc.edu to subscribe.
   (2) BUDDHA-L:
       An academic buddhism discussion group.  Send the following command:
           SUBscribe BUDDHA-L your_firstname your_lastname
       to listserv@ulkyvm.louisville.edu.
   (3) BUDDHIST:
       Forum on Indian and Buddhist Studies.  Send the following command:
           SUBscribe BUDDHIST your_firstname your_lastname
       to listserv@vm1.mcgill.ca to subscribe.
   (4) Dharma-talk:
       An international forum for discussions, exchanges of information
       regarding Buddhism and for announcements of Buddhist related events.
       Send the following command:
           subscribe dharma-talk
       to majordomo@saigon.com to subscribe.
   (5) EABUD:
       Mailing list for Eastern American/East Asian Buddhism.  Send the
       following command:
           subscribe eabud your_firstname your_lastname
       to listserv@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu.
   (6) Insight (IMS):
       For discussion of Theravada meditation practice (vipassana, metta,
       etc.).  Send the following command:
           subscribe insight
       to majordomo@@world.std.com to subscribe.  Check:
       for more information.
   (7) JBE:
       An on-line Journal of Buddhist Ethics, published by Penn State
       University and Goldsmiths College, London.  To subscribe to the Journal
       Abstract, simply send an e-mail message to:
       Leave the "Subject" field blank. In the body of the message should
       contain the following:
           sub jbe-l your_firstname your_lastname
       You will then receive information and the addresses of the Journal's
       sites in the USA, Europe and Australia. Published material is available
       through WWW, Gopher and FTP. For further information contact the editors
       at jbe-ed@psu.edu.
   (8) Jodo Shinshu:
       A forum in which issues specific to Jodo Shinshu are discussed.
       Send the following command:
           subscribe a-shinshu-forum
       to listserv@netcom.com to subscribe.
   (9) Kanzeon Sangha UK newsletter:
       A text-only newsletter (~3 times a year) is available upon request.
       Send a mail to Steve Griffin (kanzeon@polgooth.demon.co.uk) for details.
  (10) Purdue Buddhist Society:
       Send a short message to buddhism@mentor.cc.purdue.edu to subscribe.
  (11) Universal Zendo:
       A discussion group about Zen Buddhism with an emphasis on practice
       rather than scholarship.  Send the following command:
           subscribe zendo
       or  subscribe zendo-digest
       to majordomo@traveller.com to subscribe.
  (12) Winds:
       A monthly newsletter of the Shin Buddhist Resource Center.  Send the
       following command:
           subscribe to-winds
       to listserv@netcom.com to subscribe.
  (13) ZenBuddhism-L:
       This forum was established by the Research School of Social Science,
       ANU to provide a world-wide communications vehicle for exchange of
       scholarly and factual information dealing with Zen/Ch'an/Son Buddhism.
       Send the following command:
           subscribe ZenBuddhism-L your_e-mail
       to Majordomo@coombs.anu.edu.au to subscribe.
  (14) Zen List in French:
       to exchange information on the practice of Zen in French.  Send the
       following command:
           subscribe zen-list your_e-mail
       to majordomo@step.polymtl.ca to subscribe.
  (15) Znerd:
       A forum for the discussion of science and technology issues related to
       Zen Buddhist practice and philosophy.  Send the following command:
           subscribe znerd
       to majordomo@traveller.com to subscribe.
  (16) Zyoga:
       A forum for the discussion of Yoga related to Zen Buddhist practice
       and philosophy. Send the following command:
             subscribe zyoga your_firstname your_lastname
       to listproc@mail.win.org to subscribe.  Contact Chris Conn at
       sascmc@unx.sas.com for more info.
  (17) Various lists at think.net:
       Send the following command:
           sub <listname> your_firstname your_lastname
       to listserv@think.net, where <listname> is one of the following:

C. Files available for anonymous FTP / gopher:
   (1) Alt.zen FAQ:
   (2) Buddha's History in 44 Images:
       contains 44 jpeg files (total~2.4 Mb) in Mac .hqx format.
   (3) Buddhist Gopher:
   (4) Buddhist Studies (SUNY Albany):
       A collection of several Buddhism literature.
   (5) Buddhist Studies Facility (Australia):
       This archive has quite a complete list of the resources on internet.
   (6) Chinese Buddhist Resources (Taiwan):
       and mirror sites:
       contains hundreds of Chinese (BIG-5 Code) buddhist sutras, abidamas,
       several Chinese books, and a few terlonis .wav files.
   (7) Chung-Cheng University Buddhism Gopher site (Taiwan):
       requires Chinese system for display.
   (8) CLEAR-MIND - Tibetan Buddhist Newsletter:
   (9) Journal of Buddhist Ethics:
          ftp://ftp.cac.psu.edu/pub/jbe/ (USA)
          ftp://ftp.gold.ac.uk/pub/jbe/  (Europe)
       They also have www addresses (see section D).
  (10) Linkoping University FTP archive (Sweden):
  (11) Mahidol University gopher:
       This gopher site includes information about Buddhist Scripture
       Information Retrieval (BUDSIR).
  (12) Sunsite Buddhism Information Bank:
       Buddhism information (DEFA and Tantric Studies):
       Image Bank:
  (13) The Awareness Technique (TAT):
       TAT is an approach to finding one's inner consciousness.  TAT consists
       of three books, the first chapters of which are not copyrighted and may
       be freely retrieved from the Internet via FTP or gopher.
          Book 1, Chapter 1 (Multi-Level Awareness) /books/Awareness/b1-1.txt.
          Book 2, Chapter 1 (Multi-Plane Awareness) is file b2-1.txt
          Book 3, Chapter 1 (Perfecting The Spirit) is file b3-1.txt
       Or gopher to gopher.std.com and select Book Sellers, then The Awareness
  (14) Tiger Team FTP site:
       contains Buddhist file listings, CyberSangha back issues, and the
       networks graphic interface.

D. World-Wide Web (WWW):
   (1) About Buddhism and FWBO:
   (2) Alan Watts Electronic University:
       publishes audio and video tapes of lectures by Alan Watts.
   (3) Albuquerque Zen Center (Albuquerque, New Mexico):
       is part of Rinzai-ji, founded by Joshu Sasaki Roshi.
   (4) Amazon.com Books
        A large general online bookstore.  A keyword search under
        Buddhist brings up a large selection of titles.
   (5) Amitayus Buddhist Centre (U.K.):
       introduces activities in the New Kadampa Tradition.
   (6) Asian Art:
       has an interesting collection of Buddhism-related graphics files.
   (7) Access to Insight:
       Resources for Theravada Buddhist practice.  Home of the Theravada test
       archives and Dhamma Dana Publications (Barre, Massachusetts); Buddhist
       Publication Society catalogue; Directory of meditation centers and
       practice groups.
   (8) Asian Classics Input Project (Princeton Univ.):
       contains digital transcription of Kangyur, Tengyur and Sungbum
       collections, etc.
   (9) Association of the True Zen of Master Deshimaru:
       includes Zen centers, glossary, documents and newsletter.
  (10) Asynchronous School of Buddhist Dialectics Homepage:
       including translation of Dzong-ka-ba's Three Principal Aspects of
       the Path, etc.
  (11) Australian National University:
       Buddhist Studies - WWW Virtual Library:
       provides a list of web and gopher sites for Buddhism resources and
       many other resources, such as Daily Zen Sutras:
  (12) Baltimore Zen Meditation Society (Baltimore, MD):
  (13) Beat Topics : Buddhism:

  (14) Buddha Yana Order Mahayana Zengong:
  (15) BuddhaNet:
       Australia's Buddhist Communications Link.
       contains directory of Buddhist organisations in Australia and some
       Buddhist files.
  (16) Buddhism (U. of Oregon):
  (17) Buddhism, an Introduction:
       an introductory text on Buddhism by John Powers of Australian National
  (18) Buddhism and Global nonviolent Problem Solving:
       an on-line book edited by Glenn D. Paige and Sarah Gilliatt.
  (19) Buddhism and Medical Ethics:
       provides a bibliographic introduction to the topic.
  (20) Buddhism in Toronto:
       lists information about Buddhist temples, centers and events in Toronto
       and surrounding area.  Also a Buddhist Images page:
  (21) Buddhism on Web: Table of Contents:
       contains general information about Buddhism and some scriptures,
       doctrines and articles.
  (22) Buddhism Study Group at Urbana-Champaign:
       contains the newsletter "Bodhi News" and some vegetarian recipes.
  (23) The Buddhism World:
       provides Buddhist resources in both English and Chinese, as well as
       information about Electronic Buddhadharma Society and the Buddhist
       Association of the United States.
  (24) Buddhist Canon Translation Project:
  (25) Buddhist Chat:
  (26) Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu-Chi Foundation:
       is a non-profit organization, headquartered in Taiwan, dedicated to
       helping the less fortunate people, regardless of their age, sex, race,
       and religion.
  (27) Buddhist Council of New South Wales (Australia):
       contains news, articles, directories and links to Australian Buddhist
  (28) Buddhist Door (Canada):
       is a monthly Internet magazine on Buddhism.
  (29) Buddhists in Germany:
       contains adresses and events of German Buddhist groups.
  (30) Buddhist Scripture Information Retrieval (Thailand):
       A complete digital edition of The Buddhist Scripture
       iincludes information about the BUDSIR project and digital editions of
       some Buddhist scripture at Mahidol University, Thailand.
  (31) Buddhist Society of Pittsburgh:
       is an umbrella group for the sitting groups in the Steel City.
       Information on sitting groups and retreat schedules available.
  (32) Buddhist Studies and the Arts (Washington Univ. in St. Louis)
  (33) Buddhist Yogi C. M. Chen Homepage:
       lists publications of Yogi Chen (most contents are in Chinese Big5).
  (34) Bultasa Zen Group (Chicago):
  (35) Center for Buddhist Studies (National Taiwan Univ.):
       provides bibliography, scriptures, courses and resources related to
  (36) The Center For Dzogchen Studies (New Haven, CT):
  (37) Chagdud Gonpa Online:
       lists centers of the Nyingma Buddhist organization, events, sangha
       activities, teachings, FAQs about Tibetan language, and catalog of
       dharma books and supplies.
  (38) Ch'an Meditation Center (Elmhurst, NY):
       is also the web site for Institute of Chung-Hwa Buddhist Culture.
  (39) Charles Muller's Resources for Buddhism and East Asian
       1. Web Dictionary of East Asian CJK ("Chinese-Japanese-Korean") Buddhist Terms
       2. Lists of CJK Buddhist Texts and historical persons
       3. Chinese, Korean and Japanese Readings of JIS 0208 CJK characters:
       downloading ZIP file.
       4. Translation and other materials related to the <i>The Sutra of Perfect
          Enlightenment</i> (Yuan jue jing)
       5. Bibliography and other resources for the study of Korean Buddhism
       6. Annotated listings of other substantial Buddhist Web resources.
       7. Reference Guide for East Asian Buddhist Studies: By William Bodiford and
          Robert Buswell
  (40) Chinese Buddhist Resource List:
       provides complete list of on-line Chinese Buddhist resources, including
       WWW, Gopher, Ftp and BBS sites for sutras, zen poems and discussions.
       Most sites require Chinese Big5 environment for display.
  (41) CloudWater Zendo (Cleveland, OH):
       provides information about practicing zen and meditative arts.
  (42) Collected Talks of Teacher Chin Kung (Taiwan):
       offers both Chinese and English versions of Master Chin Kung's
  (43) The Columbia Zen Center (Columbia, MO):
  (44) The Compassion Net:
       is an online Buddhist meditation center offering personal guidance in
       the disciplines of meditation.
  (45) Cornell AsiaLink:
       providing information about Chinese Buddhism and Chinese Buddhist
  (46) CyberSangha:
       The Buddhist Alternative Journal; Full text of past issues available
       online in Microsoft Word and WordPerfect.
  (47) CyberZen-Zen Sourcepage:
       has some sutra texts.
  (48) The DaeJang Gyong Research Institute of Haein-sa Monastery:
       provides information about the "Reflection on a Calm Sea" Temple in
       Korea.  Some documents in Korean.
  (49) Daily Zen:
       contains a daily dose of Zen wisdom, including story, koan, and quote.
  (50) Description of Buddhism (Ontario Centre for Religious Tolerance):
  (51) The Dhammapada (Singapore):
       consists of many verses in Pali uttered by the Buddha.
  (52) Dhargyey Buddhist Centre (New Zealand):
  (53) Dharma Communications
       Dharma Communications is a not-for-profit educational corporation
       dedicated to providing resources on Buddhism and world religions,
       pertinent to the challenges and opportunities encountered by
       spiritual practitioners today.
  (54) Dharma Sound Zen Center (Seattle, WA):
  (55) Dharma - The Buddhist Web Site:
  (56) Dharman Craig's Pretty Good Zenfo Page:
  (57) DharmaNet Electronic Files Archive (DEFA):
       Central clearinghouse for Buddhist resources, online and off. This is
       the top-level page for DharmaNet. Access to Buddhist texts, journals,
       events calendar, Dhamma center information, links to other sites, etc.
  (58) DharmaWeb:
  (59) Dragon Flower Ch'an Temple:
       provides English translations of Buddhist texts from Chinese, Sanskrit
       or Pali sources.
  (60) Dzogchen Foundation (Cambridge, MA):
       This page is dedicated to Dzogchen, a teaching of Tibetan Buddhism,
       including related texts, books, audio/video tapes, calendar of events,
       and a mailing list.
  (61) The Eight-Fold Teachings:
       introduced the teachings of T'ien T'ai of China (538-597).
  (62) The Electronic Bodhidharma:
       The page is provided by the International Research Institute for Zen
       Buddhism (IRIZ) at Hanazono University, Kyoto, Japan.  It contains
       information about Zen Buddhist information in English, Chinese and
       Japanese, as well as some programs, fonts, dictionaries and utilities
       for Chinese and Japanese.
  (63) Engaged Buddhist~Dharma Page:
  (64) Enmanji Buddhist Temple (Sonoma County, CA):
  (65) The Forest Sangha Newsletter:
       contains articles and news from the Forest Sangha's monastries around
       the world.
  (66) The Four Yogas of Enlightenment:
       is an electronic-book for the teachings of masters of awareness through
       comparative analysis and progressive meditative exploration.
  (67) Fowler's Martial Arts:
       Although focusing on martical arts, this page provides interesting
       links to Buddhist literary and eastern philosophy.
  (68) Friends of Buddhism (Columbus, Ohio):
       is to promote Buddhism, spread Buddhadharma, and support all Buddhist
       projects worldwide.
  (69) Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (Cambridge, MA):
  (70) Gaden Choling Mahayana Buddhist Meditation Centre (Canada):
       is a Tibetan Buddhist centre for practice and study and offers resources
       and teachings of the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
  (71) Great Faces of The Buddha:
  (72) Guide to Meditation:
  (73) Gyuto Tantric Choir:
       Multiphonic chanting by Tibetan buddhist monks.
  (74) Hsi-Lai Temple (Hacienda Heights, CA):
        Hsi-Lai Temple is the largest Buddhist monastery in the Western
        hemisphere, the home of Hsi Lai University, and world headquarters
        for Buddhist Light International Association (BLIA).
  (75) Huafan College of Humanities and Technology (Taiwan):
       is a college founded by Ven. Hiu Wan to promote "enlightened education".
  (76) Hyundai Bulgyo Buddhist Newspaper Company (Korea):
       (requires Korean environment for display)
  (77) International Buddhist Meditation Center (Los Angeles, CA):
       is a twenty-five year old center in the Vietnamese American tradition.
       Includes dharma talks and links to other Buddhist information.
  (78) International Dunhuang Project:
       is to promote the study and preservation of manuscripts and printed
       documents from Dunhuang and other Central Asian sites through
       international co-operation.
  (79) International Meditation Centres (in tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin):
       offers ten-day Theravada Buddhist Meditation courses, newsletters and
  (80) Jogyejong Buddhist Web (Korea):
  (81) Journal of Buddhist Ethics:
          http://www.cac.psu.edu/jbe/jbe.html    or
  (82) Kadampa Buddhism in the Northwest (Seattle, WA):
  (83) Kadampa Center (Raleigh, NC):
       for the practive of Tibetan Buddhism in the Gelugpa Tradition.
  (84) Kalavinka Dharma Notes:
       is a Buddhist Teatime Reader and consists of translations of stories,
       verses, analogies, and doctrinal discussions drawn from the golden age
       of Buddhism in India and China.
  (85) Karma Kagyu Buddhist Network:
       provides information about the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan
       Buddhism, supports communication among interested parties and introduces
       a world-wide online Sangha.
       dedicated to the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
  (86) Karma Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism:
  (87) Karma Kagyu Thigsum Chokhorling (New Zealand):
       is a rural, residental study and retreat centre in New Zealand. The URL
       includes Centre details, newsletter and photos.
  (88) Karma Tashi Ling buddhistsenter (Norway):
  (89) Khandakapala Buddhist Center (Santa Monica, CA):
  (90) Kichuudoo (Japan)
          A Buddhist bookstore in Kyoto, Japan has a home page through
          which you can search and order books.  In Japanese, but they have an
          English page in the works.
  (91) Korean Buddhism: World Wide Web Virtual Library
          A home page devoted to providing information about Korean
          Buddhism practice centers, academic institutions, bibliographies,
          publications, etc.
  (92) KPC Tibetan Buddhism and Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo Home Page
          Kunzang Palyul Choling (KPC) now has a website! KPC is the center
          of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, the first American woman enthroned as a tulku, or
          reincarnate Tibetan Buddhist lama.
  (93) Kurukulla Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies:
       contains information about activities and Lotus Arrow Newsletter.
  (94) The Kwan Um School of Zen (Cumberland, RI):
  (95) Lalita On Line:
       contains Lolita Newsletter and information about Tibetan Buddhism.
  (96) Lama Surya Das
  (97) Ligmincha Institute:
       provide information on Bvn and dzogchen, activities of the Institute,
       and a on-line quarterly newsletter "The Voice of Clear Light".
  (98) Lotus Buddhist Art Gallery:
  (99) The Magic Life of Milarepa, Tibet's Great Yogi:
       portrays the legendary exploits of one of Tibetan Buddhism's most
       renowned saint.
 (100) Master Yi Yungao International Cultural Institute:
       introduces their organization and activities.
 (101) MidAmerica Dharma Group (Kansas City, MO):
       dedicated to making the practice of Insight Meditation available to
       people in the central U.S.
 (102) The Mind-Only Cafe (U. of  North Carolina at Wilmington):
       contains information on and links to material on the study of Tibet,
       the Himalayas, and India, Tibetan Buddhist Studies, and the philosophy
       of Indian Yogacara Buddhism as seen in Tibet.
 (103) Mountain Moon Sangha:
       is a group of Zen practitioners in the Sanbo Kyodan lineage.
 (104)) The Mountains and Rivers Order:
       is an organization of associated Zen Buddhist temples, practice centers
       and sitting groups in the U.S. and abroad.
 (105) Mushindokai:
       is an organization for arts and practices of Mushindo Kempo, Chinese
       yoga, Cheirology, and esoteric Buddhist studies.
 (106) Mystical Zen Buddhism:
 (107) Namgyal Monastery Online:
       contains introduction to the Monastery (founded by the Second Dalai
       Lama) and its courses and activities.
 (108) National Chung-Hsin University Buddhism Page (Taiwan):
       contains Buddhist books, pictures and general information (in Chinese).
 (109) NCF Buddhism Home Page:
       National Capital Freenet (Ottawa) WWW Buddhism Special Interest Group.
       includes Directory of Buddhist groups in Ottawa, Introduction to
       Buddhism, Meditation Instructions, Photographs of renouned Buddhist
       teachers, etc.
 (110) New Kadampa Tradition:
 (111) New York Dharma Group:
       offers introduction of Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, poems
       and a picture gallery.
 (112) Nichiren Buddhists:
 (113) Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism:
 (114) Nichiren Shu:
       is a Buddhist organization based on the Lotus Sutra and the teachings
       of Nichiren Shonin.
 (115) Nyingma Centers:
       provides information about the institutions founded by Head Lama
       Tarthang Tulku.
 (116) Osel Shen Phen Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center (Missoula, MT):
 (117) Parallax Press:
       offers information about books, meditation supplies, a/v tapes, and
       other links.
 (118) Pariyatti Book Service
       Pariyatti Book Service, a mail-order company specializing in
       books on Vipassana meditation and the teachings of the Buddha.
 (119) The Path of Awakening
       The Unofficial Doug Duncan Dharma Webpage
 (120) Philadelphia Buddhist Association:
       provides information about activities and newsletter.
 (121) Photos of Buddist sights in Japan (U. Idaho):
 (122) Quiet Mountain Tibetan Buddhist Sites and Resources:
       provides links to many sites to all the four major schools of Tibetan
 (123) Saraha Buddhist Center (San Francisco, CA):
       is a Kadampa Buddhist center that provides regular study and meditation
       classes in the SanFrancisco Bay area.
 (124) The Secret Doctrine:
 (125) Shambhala Center:
       offers traditional meditation instruction in the Kagyu and Nyingma
       tradtitions of Tibetan Buddhism, as well as Shambhala Training.
 (126) Shin Buddhism Network (Honolulu, Hawaii):
       provides articles (English and Japanese) and glossary for Shin Buddhist
       tradition and Pure Land Buddhism.
 (127) Shin Buddhist Resource Center (San Jose, CA):
       provides information for students of Jodo Shinshu, a form of Pureland
       Buddhism which originated in 12th century Japan.  Resources include
       translations, essays and interperative articles.
 (128) Snow Lion Publications:
       offers news about Tibet-related events, as well as a production
       schedule for Snow Lion books and in-depth reviews of new books.
 (129) Soka Gakkai International:
          http://www.infoweb.or.jp/SOKAGAKKAI/welcome-e.htm  (Japan)
          http://www.sgi-usa.org/  (USA)
          http://www.halcyon.com/Ichinet/menu.html  (Unofficial site)
          http://www.slip.net/~kortj/  (San Jose, California)
 (130) Spiritual Consciousness on WWW:
       A dedicated spiritual site which comprehends spirituality in a modern
       context in review of ancient teachings and religious belief-systems.
          http://www.linknet.it/Spirit.html        (Italy)
          http://zeta.cs.adfa.oz.au/Spirit.html    (Australia)
          http://www.protree.com/kiwi/Spirit.html  (Colorado, USA)
          http://spirit.satelnet.org/Spirit.html   (Florida, USA)
 (131) Still Point (Dharma Rain Zen Center Newsletter)
 (132) Taipei Young Buddhist Association (Taiwan):
       (requires Chinese Big5 for display)
       lists Chinese Buddhist resources and sutras.
 (133) Ten Bulls (Zen poem and pictures):
 (134) Thai buddhism information (Thailand):
 (135) The Dharma Centre of Canada
 (136) Tibetan Buddhism:
       provides many links to sites related to Tibetan Buddhism
 (137) Tibetan Buddhist Enlightment:
       provides many links to information about art, Dharma centers, images,
       sounds, vedio clips, utilities, etc.
 (138) Tibetan Voices:
       is a photographic book and calendar fund raising campaign in aid of
       Tibetan refugees and Seva Service Society.
 (139) Tiger Team Buddhist Information Network:
 (140) Time, Space and Knowledge:
       provides lessons based on Lama Tarthang Tulku's book series.
 (141) Tricycle Hub:
       is the interactive forum of "Tricycle: The Buddhist Review", an
       independent Buddhist quarterly.
 (142) True Buddha School Net:
 (143) Tsondru Thangka Conservation:
       features professional thangka conservation services and articles about
       Himalayan thangka paintings.
 (144) Tsurphu Foundation:
       to raise awareness and funds for the monasteries and activities of the
       Gyalwa Karmapa.
 (145) UCB Buddhism Program (UC Berkeley):
       introduces the Buddhism courses and faculty at UC Berkeley.
 (146) UK Buddhist Addresses
       A database of addresses of UK Buddhist Organisations,
       Monasteries, Retreat Centres, Medition Groups &etc.
 (147) Ume Zendo (Sweden):
 (148) Vajradakini Buddhist Center (Dallas, TX):
 (149) Vajrayana Foundation's fledgling Home Page:
 (150) Vietnamese Buddhist Articles:
       contains articles in Vietnamese (need true-type VPS-Times font for
 (151) Village Zendo (New York City):
 (152) Vipassana Meditation:
 (153) Vipassana Research Publications of America (Seattle, WA):
       is the North American branch of the Vipassana Research Institute (VRI)
       of Igatpuri, Maharashtra, India.
 (154) The Voice of Dharma (China):
       (requires Chinese environment for display)
       provides lots of information about Buddhist in China, including journal,
       scriptures, arts and other resources.
 (155) Weatherhill
       Publishers of fine books on Japan and Asia for more than three
       decades, Weatherhill produces books on a wide variety of subjects for
       both the discerning general reader and the specialist seeking the
       highest quality in content, design, and production. Weatherhill is
       also the foremost distributor of English-language books on Asia and
       the Pacific.
 (156) Web Journal of Korean Buddhist Studies:
 (157) The WEBster: Buddhism:
       lists some Buddhist related resources on the net.
 (158) Welcome to Daka's:
       provides information about Buddhist Astrology and Thubten Choling.
 (159) Wen-Ming's Studio:

       provides many Buddhist literatures in Chinese.  Needs Big-5 environment
       to display.
 (160) What do you think, my friend? (Singapore):
       contains a selection of writings on Buddhism.
 (161) White Path Temple (Tokyo, Japan):
       is a virtual Shin Buddhist Temple with some sutra in Japanese.
 (162) Windbell Publications
       Windbell Publications is the publishing arm of Dogen Sangha,
       a Buddhist community based in Tokyo, Japan and founded on the teachings of
       Dogen Zenji.  Formed in 1986, we publish books on Buddhism by our founder,
       Master Gudo Nishijima, and English translations of the works of Dogen
       Zenji. Foremost among these translations is our four volume translation
       of the Shobogenzo. We are supported by donations and grants, and our
       efforts are wholly voluntary."
 (163) Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (Malaysia):
       provides information (in both English and Chinese Big5) about their
       organization and Buddhist activities in Malaysia.
 (164) Yuan Zheng Tang of True Buddha School (Singapore):
 (165) Zen Ancestors Home Page:
       provides some texts of Zen-related lectures and some materials about
       the history of Zen.
 (166) Zen Buddhist Texts (U. Texas Houston, Texas):
       by Southwest Chogye International Zen Academeia in Houston, Texas.
       which has text of sutra, dictionary of Buddhism terms, etc.
 (167) Zen Buddhist Video:
       provides information on videos pertaining to Zen Buddhism and Buddhism
       in general.
 (168) Zen Center of Los Angeles:
 (169) Zen Center of New York City
       The Zen Center of New York City, also known as Fire Lotus Zendo,
       is the city branch of Zen Mountain Monastery, a Zen training center for
       male and female monastics and lay students. Fire Lotus is dedicated
       to providing support for lay practitioners in the New York City area
       through six days of weekly sitting meditations, monthly one-day
       meditations intensives led by ZMM Abbot, John Daido Loori or by senior
       monastics and lay students, and one-day workshops in related practices.
 (170) Zen Centre of Vancouver:
 (171) Zen Hospice Project (San Francisco, California):
       runs several programs dedicated to the care of people approaching
       death and increasing our understanding of our own impermanence.
 (172) Zen Garden:
       contains zen stories and koans.
 (173) Zen Place in Santa Barbara:
 (174) ZenMOO:
       is a virtual meditation facility.
 (175) Zen@SunSITE:
       features The Gateless Gate (a famous collection of koans).  It also
       provides FAQ for alt.zen:
 (176) The Zen Web of Original Mind:

E. Bulletin Board System (BBS):
   * Body Dharma Online
     Berkeley, CA
     Barry Kapke, dharma@netcom.com
     (Home of DharmaNet & GASSHO; including Dharma Electronic Files Archive)

   * Tiger Team Buddhist Information Network
     P.O. Box 2688
     Alameda, CA 94501
     Data: 510-523-5300
     Voice: 510-540-6565

   * Voice of New Haven
     New Haven, CT
     Kenny Teel

   * Sojourner's Realm
     Rockledge, FL
     Bill Tucker

   * DangFool!
     Waverly Hall, GA
     Derrick Chapman

   * The Bodhi Tree
     Boise, ID
     Kim Day, kim_day@thebodhi.com

   * I CAN! BBS
     Chicago, IL
     312-736-7388, 312-736-7434
     Bogie Bugsalewicz

   * SciNexus Central BBS
     Morris, IL
     Dominic Aspel, dominic.aspel@aquila.com

   * Mount Kailas
     Cambridge, MA
     Data: 617-252-9988 (N81)
     Voice: 508-921-0482
     (New England's Dharma Bulletin Board Service.  Calendars of Buddhist
      teachings and events, and Public Message bases for on-line information
      exchange are featured.  Mount Kailas BBS also has e-mail and an Open-Air
      Market Place where Dharma items can be ordered from participating
      vendors.  $40 a year for memberships.)

   * Astrological Services
     Kansas City, MO
     Maria Knox

   * The Arena of Anon
     Herndon, VA

   * The NTH Dimension
     Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
     Mike Sinclair
     (Home of DharmaNet in Australia, text files on Buddhist philosophy)

   * The Bridge BBS
     Melbourne, Australia
     Darren Merritt and Tony Langdon

   * Silent Running
     Melbourne, Australia
     Grand Waszir
     (over 160 files and information on Buddhism)

   * DharmaGate
     Montreal, QC, Canada
     Brian Goodyear

   * Depeche Megalopolis BBS
     Wang Yumin, wang.yumin%oconn@csah.com, 72332,1266@compuserve.com

F. Buddhist-related books and supplies:

District of Columbia:

   * Buddhist Book Service   phone: 301-946-7560, or 202-832-9393
     P.O. Box 9677
     Washington, DC 20016
     (large stock of books and pamphlets on Theravadan tradition)

State of California:

   * Asian Humanities Press   phone:  510-659-8272
     c/o Jain Publishing Company
     P.O. Box 3523
     Fremont, CA 94539

   * Bodhi Tree Bookstore   phone: 800-825-9798, fax: 310-659-0178
     8585 Melrose Ave.
     West Hollywood, CA 90069
     (large selection of books, including domestic & imported Buddhist titles)

   * The Buddhist Bookstore   phone:  415-776-7877
     1710 Octavia Street
     San Francisco, CA 94109
     (large stock of books on all Buddhist traditions, specialized in Shin/Pure
      Land tradition)

   * California Buddhist Vihara Society   phone: 510-540-6565
     c/o Gary Ray
     Tiger Team Buddhist Information Network
     1920 Francisco St., Sutie 112
     Berkeley, CA 94709
     (Small list of free Dharma books)

   * Dharma Publishing   phone: 800-873-4276, 510-548-5407, 510-873-4276
     2910 San Pablo Ave.
     Berkeley, CA 94702
     (Dharma books, esp. Tibetian, Vajrayana, and Dzogchen)

   * Eastwind Books and Arts Inc.   phone: 415-781-3331
     1435 A Stockton
     San Francisco, CA
     (Chinese books)

   * Forest Books   phone: 415-863-2755
     3080 16th St. at Valencia
     San Francisco, CA 94103
     (new & used books specializing in eastern religion, Asian culture, etc.)

   * Keep It Simple   phone: 415-967-3710
     P.O. Box 91
     Mountain View, CA 94042
     (small catalog of Dharma books, tapes, t-shirts, and meditation supplies)

   * Parallax Press   phone: 510-525-1010, fax: 510-525-7129
     P.O. Box 7355
     Berkeley, CA 94707
     (books and tapes, most by Thich Nhat Hanh and friends)

   * The Phoenix Bookstore  phone: 310-395-9516
     1514 5th Street
     Santa Monica, CA 90401
     (books and tapes related to religion and philosophy)

   * Shasta Abbey Buddhist Supplies   phone: 800-653-3315, 916-926-6682
     P.O. Box 199                     fax: 916-926-5796
     Mt. Shasta, CA 96067
     (large catalog of Dharma/Meditation supplies, books, tapes, etc.)

   * Tibetan Treasures   phone: 916-623-2714, fax: 916-623-6709
     P.O. Box 279
     Junction City, CA 96048-0279
     (catalog of large selection of dharma items, incense, books, etc.)

   * Zen Home Stitchery   phone: 714-631-5389
     2693 Riverside Drive
     Costa Mesa, CA 92627
     (small catalog of clothes, cushions and accessories for meditation)

State of Colorado:

   * Medicine Buddha Healing Institute   phone/fax: 303-657-1411
     7971 Fairview Drive
     Denver, CO 80221
     e-mail: ISG-USA@MHO.Win.Net

   * Sounds True Catalog   phone: 800-333-9185
     735 Walnut St., Dept. SC94
     Boulder, CO 80302
     (tapes on meditation, buddhism, self-discovery, etc.)

   * ZIJI Books & Gifts   phone: 303-449-6219
     2019 10th St.
     Boulder, CO 80302
     (catalog ($1) of Dharma books, practice materials, etc.)

State of Illinois:

   * Buddhadharma Meditation Center   phone: 708-789-8866
     8910 South Kingery Highway
     Hinsdale, IL 60521
     (small catalog of Dharma Books)

   * Quest Books   phone: 800-669-9425, fax: 708-665-8791
     The Theosophical Publishing House
     P.O. Box 270, Dept. M-171
     Wheaton, IL 60189-0270
     (books on religion, philosophy, etc.)

State of Massachusettes:

   * Dhamma Dana Publications
     c/o Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
     149 Lockwood Road
     Barre, MA 01005

   * DharmaCrafts   phone:  617-862-9211, fax: 617-862-8824
     405 Waltham Street, Suite 234
     Lexington, MA 02173
     (large catalog of Dharma/Meditation supplies, books, tapes, etc.)

   * Dharma Seed Tape Library   phone: 800-969-SEED, fax: 413-665-1399
     Box 66
     Wendell Depot, MA 01380
     (tapes of IMS Dharma Talks)

   * Shambhala Publications, Inc.   phone: 617-424-0228, fax: 617-236-1563
     P.O. Box 308
     Boston, MA 02117-0308
     (catalog of Buddhist and other eastern religion/philosophy/practice books)

   * Wisdom Publications   phone: 800-272-4050, 617-536-2305
     361 Newbury Street    fax: 617-536-1897
     Boston, MA 02115
     e-mail: wisdom@tiac.net
     (Dharma books from all Buddhist traditions)

State of Missouri:

   * South Asia Books   phone:  314-474-0116
     P.O. Box 502
     Columbia, MO 65205
     (huge stock of books from Asia, many on Buddhism)

State of New Hampshire:

   * Windhorse   phone: 800-303-5728
     14 Heartwood Circle
     Newmarket, NH 03857
     (catalog of Buddhist books)

State of New York:

   * Asian Rare Books    phone: 212-316-5334   fax: 212-316-3408
     175 W. 93rd St., suite 16-D    e-mail: SFeld70934@aol.com
     New York, NY 10025
     (old and rare books on Asia and Asian religions)

   * C. K. Manpolo Int'l Inc.   phone: 212-219-3556
     137 Hester St.
     New York, NY 10002
     (statues and supplies)

   * Dharma Communications Inc.   phone: 914-688-7993, fax: 914-688-7911
     P.O. Box 156DC, South Plank Road
     Mt. Tremper, NY 12457
     (large catalog of Dharma/Meditation supplies, books, tapes, etc.)

   * Dharmaware Giftshop   phone: 914-679-5417 (store), 914-679-4900 (order)
     54C (9) Tinker St.
     Woodstock, NY 12498
     (24-page color catalog of Dharma supplies, books, tapes, statues, etc.)

   * Myojo Morning Star
     294 Old Route 28
     Glenford, NY 12433
     (catalog of meditation clothing)

   * Oriental Culture Enterprises   phone: 212-226-8461, fax: 212-431-6695
     13-17 Elizabeth St., 2nd floor
     New York, NY
     (Chinese books)

   * Sharchen Imports   phone: 800-521-9357, 212-860-8873
     1309 Madison Ave.
     New York, NY 10128
     (color catalog of Dharma furnishings)

   * Snow Lion Publications   phone: 607-273-8519, fax: 607-273-8508
     P.O. Box 6483            e-mail: 75061.1026@compuserve.com
     Ithaca, NY 14851-6483
     (free newsletter/catalog for current events about Tibet and over 1200
      books and other items on Tibet and Tibet Buddhism)

   * SUNY Press
     State University Plaza
     Albany, NY 12246-0001
     (Buddhist book list)

   * SUNY Press   phone: 607-277-2211
     c/o CUP Services
     P.O. Box 6525
     Ithaca, NY 14851
     (books of Buddhist interest)

State of North Carolina:

   * Caroline Morning Designs   phone: 704-683-1843
     Dept P, P.O. Box 2832
     Asheville, NC 28802
     (inflatable Zafu, cushions, books, bells, etc.)

State of Oregon:
   * The Mystic Trader   phone: 800-634-9057, 503-357-1566, fax: 503-357-1669
     1334 Pacific Ave.
     Forest Grove, OR 97116
     (64-page catalog of Buddhist, Taoist, etc. items, tapes and books)

State of Pennsylvania:

   * Books for the Nineties   phone: 800-331-3761
     P.O. Box 588
     Scranton, PA 18512-0588
     (catalog of books on psychology, meditation, buddhism, spirituality, etc.)

State of Rhode Island:

   * Primary Point Press   phone: 401-658-1476, fax: 401-658-1188
     99 Pound Road
     Cumberland, RI 02864
     e-mail: kwanumzen@aol.com
     (small list of Dharma Books by Seung Sahn and others)

State of Utah:

   * Kanzeon Jade Thread   phone: 801-328-8414
     1274 E. South Temple
     Salt Lake City, UT 84102
     (small catalog of Dharma Supplies)

State of Vermont:

   * Samadhi Cushions   phone: 800-331-7751
     Dept. TRI, RR 1 Box 3
     Barnet, VT 05821
     (cushions and related items)

State of Wisconsin:

   * Institute of Zen Studies   fax: 608-833-8599
     c/o Chozen-ji Betsuin/International Zen Dojo of Wisconsin
     301 S. Bedford St., Suite #219
     Madison, WI 53703
     e-mail: kkushner@fammed.wisc.edu
     (calligraphy by Hosokawa Dogen Roshi, Abbot of Daihonzan Chozen-ji,
      Honolulu, Hawaii)


   * The Old Bookroom    phone: 61-6-2515191    fax: 61-6-2515536
     Street Level, Belconnen Churches Centre
     Benjamin Way, Belconnen
     ACT 2617, Australia
     (mail-order service specialising in books on Asia, the Middle East and


   * Motilal Banarsidass
     41 UA Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar
     Delhi-110 007
     (buddhist books and other Indian philosophies)

Sri Lanka:

   * Buddhist Publication Society
     P.O. Box 61
     54, Sangharaja Mawatha
     Kandy, Sri Lanka
     (catalog of Dharma Books)

G. Others:
   (1) Bodhi-Line phone service:
       A telephone information service providing information about Buddhist
       centers in New York area, including centers' locations, schedules of
       classes and meditation sessions,  and a list of books, tapes and other
       materials.  All services offered by the Bodhi-Line are free of charge.
       Just dial (212) 677-9354.  For more information about Bodhi-Line,
       contact Michael Wick at Buddhist Information Service of New York,
       331 E 5th Street, New York, NY 10003. Tel: (212) 777-3745.  Fax &
       voice mail: (212) 677-9354.

   (2) Sang-ngak-cho-dzong:
       A Tibetan Buddhist group in the White Lineage of the Nyingma School.
       Organizes retreats, an annual journal and a quarterly magazine.
       UK:  PO Box 2318, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 5YP
       USA: PO Box 247, Chelsea Station, New York, NY 10113-0247
       e-mail: not@pobox.com

** References:

Blackstad, Mark (mblacks@indyvax.iupui.edu), "Buddhist Related Books and
  Supplies", Insight Mailing List, Oct. 24, 1994.
Chen, Ying (ying@hal.cs.uiuc.edu), "Introduction to Discussion Groups for
  Buddhism in the Network", Bodhi News, Sept. 27, 1994.
Kahila, John (kahila@kyyppari.hkkk.fi), "Talk.Religion.Buddhism FAQ, Part 3"
Xu, Dong (xu@lisboa.ks.uiuc.edu), "New Electronic Buddhist Resource on
  InterNet", Bodhi News, May 10, 1994.

And Many others who sent me the updates!
Mon Jun 24 04:59:35 1996
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