
发信站: 狮子吼站 (Lion , 信区: BudaTech)
在初步完成五十六册的电子版佛典经文後,CBETA 的工作已迈入另一个分工更细
能在网路上进行专案管理的工具,不需要像project 那样强大的功能,主要目的

不知各位有没有此类资讯可以介绍,unix 平台的方案也可以,

祝 吉祥!

  CBETA 网路组 敬上
◇   若言下相应   即共论佛义     若实不相应   合掌令欢喜   ◇
◇   此宗本无诤   诤即失道意     执逆诤法门   自性入生死   ◇
◇   南无 本师释迦牟尼佛          南无 护法韦驮尊天菩萨    ◇
□ 欢迎光临中华电子佛典协会 : http://ccbs.ntu.edultw/cbeta □
Ξ 狮子吼站 版面介绍:                                          cbs.ntu.edu.tw
 佛法求助哇啦啦 - 解决您学佛的疑惑                                 BudaHelp
Sun Aug 26 00:48:42 2001
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Re: 请教专案管理的解决方案
发信站: 狮子吼站 (Lion , 信区: BudaTech)
==> 於 Heaven (Heavenchow@Lion) 文中述及:
: 各位好:
: 在初步完成五十六册的电子版佛典经文後,CBETA 的工作已迈入另一个分工更细
: 且整合性需求更高的作业阶段,除了在台北的办公室之外,我们亦有分散於其它
: 县市,甚至有远在异国的工作同仁,为了更有效结合这一份力量,我们想要架设
: 能在网路上进行专案管理的工具,不需要像project 那样强大的功能,主要目的
: 是在於各组能轻易沟通,随时填写自己的进度,也能让其他同仁掌握全部进度。
: 不知各位有没有此类资讯可以介绍,unix 平台的方案也可以,
: 最好不需要什麽花费的。:)
: 若有好的方案,非常欢迎您提供给我们参考,後学在此先献上万分的谢意!
: 祝 吉祥!
:   CBETA 网路组 敬上



往昔所造诸恶业  皆由无始贪□痴  从身语意之所生  一切我今皆忏悔
罪从心起将心忏  心若灭时罪亦亡  心灭罪亡两俱空  是则名为真忏悔
Ξ 狮子吼站 版面介绍:                                          cbs.ntu.edu.tw
 佛法求助哇啦啦 - 别害羞, 尽管问喔!                                BudaHelp
Mon Aug 27 01:33:11 2001
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Re: 请教专案管理的解决方案
发信站: 狮子吼站 (Lion , 信区: BudaTech)
==> 於 想去花莲看看 (tyuan@Lion) 文中述及:
: ==> 於 Heaven (Heavenchow@Lion) 文中述及:
: : 各位好:
: : 在初步完成五十六册的电子版佛典经文後,CBETA 的工作已迈入另一个分工更细
: : 且整合性需求更高的作业阶段,除了在台北的办公室之外,我们亦有分散於其它
: : 县市,甚至有远在异国的工作同仁,为了更有效结合这一份力量,我们想要架设
: : 能在网路上进行专案管理的工具,不需要像project 那样强大的功能,主要目的
: : 是在於各组能轻易沟通,随时填写自己的进度,也能让其他同仁掌握全部进度。
: : 不知各位有没有此类资讯可以介绍,unix 平台的方案也可以,
: : 最好不需要什麽花费的。:)
: : 若有好的方案,非常欢迎您提供给我们参考,後学在此先献上万分的谢意!
: : 祝 吉祥!
: :   CBETA 网路组 敬上
: 可以将目标说得更清楚吗?


CRM等等,但是不想用M$的东东,因为要Many $$$$$$。:)

M$最进也一直在推展M$ extension server,不过我们对那些没有信心,也没有那麽多钱。



我想基本的需求可能是群组讨论和文件管理吧,如果有专案管理(像是M$ Project)的系统
Mon Aug 27 09:52:49 2001
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Re: 请教专案管理的解决方案
发信站: 狮子吼站 (Lion , 信区: BudaTech)
==> 於 想去花莲看看 (tyuan@Lion) 文中述及:
: ==> 於 Heaven (Heavenchow@Lion) 文中述及:
: : 各位好:
: : 在初步完成五十六册的电子版佛典经文後,CBETA 的工作已迈入另一个分工更细
: : 且整合性需求更高的作业阶段,除了在台北的办公室之外,我们亦有分散於其它
: : 县市,甚至有远在异国的工作同仁,为了更有效结合这一份力量,我们想要架设
: : 能在网路上进行专案管理的工具,不需要像project 那样强大的功能,主要目的
: : 是在於各组能轻易沟通,随时填写自己的进度,也能让其他同仁掌握全部进度。
: : 不知各位有没有此类资讯可以介绍,unix 平台的方案也可以,
: : 最好不需要什麽花费的。:)
: : 若有好的方案,非常欢迎您提供给我们参考,後学在此先献上万分的谢意!
: : 祝 吉祥!
: :   CBETA 网路组 敬上
: 可以将目标说得更清楚吗?


因为我们的工作机动性比较高, 许多事都是一边实验一边进行,
所以事先也无法用 project 这类程式去规划全面的事及行程.
我目前手中可能有几支程式要写, 这些是由各组所提出的,
这样我就比较能评估, 谁的 case 比较急, 谁比较可以等...
而我安排这些进度时, 别人也可以依据我订定的支援时程,

也就是说, 每个人都可能有很多工作, 有的急, 有的不急.
这真的要大家都写出来之後, 才能全面的进行沙盘推演,
哪些事是谁配合谁先做, 哪些事大家都可以缓著点,

而且这些进度可能三五天就会变动, 由一个专案负责人主导
全部方案的方式不太可行, 所以希望能有一个地方大家
都能填上自己的所有工作进度, 互相配合其它人,

所以若有什麽简单又适合的方案, 请好康倒相报. :)


◇   若言下相应   即共论佛义     若实不相应   合掌令欢喜   ◇
◇   此宗本无诤   诤即失道意     执逆诤法门   自性入生死   ◇
◇   南无 本师释迦牟尼佛          南无 护法韦驮尊天菩萨    ◇
□ 欢迎光临中华电子佛典协会 : http://ccbs.ntu.edultw/cbeta □
Ξ 狮子吼站相关资源:                               ◇ 南无护法韦驮尊天菩萨 ◇
佛教经典系列, 电子化经典初步汇整 - http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/canon/
Mon Aug 27 13:23:28 2001
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Re: 请教专案管理的解决方案
发信站: 狮子吼站 (Lion , 信区: BudaTech)
: 如果有linux的解决方案,就能够直接加在现有的伺服器上。

Mon Aug 27 21:13:24 2001
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Re: 请教专案管理的解决方案
发信站: 狮子吼站 (Lion , 信区: BudaTech)
如果有订 MSDN 的话,就可以使用其中的 M$ Project,有授权。
MSDN 一年的订费印象中五六万块而已,不算贵,且可用大多数 m$

莫听穿林打叶声, 何妨吟啸且徐行, 竹杖芒鞋轻胜马, 谁怕? 一蓑烟雨任平生.         
料峭春寒吹酒醒, 微冷, 山头斜照却相迎. 回首向来萧瑟处, 归去, 也无风雨也无晴.   

Ξ Origin: 狮子吼站 <cbs.ntu.edu.tw>               ◇ 南无护法韦驮尊天菩萨 ◇
Mon Aug 27 23:58:15 2001
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Re: 请教专案管理的解决方案
发信站: 狮子吼站 (Lion , 信区: BudaTech)
点时间coding ,但以後要改就比较方便.....
Sat Jan 5 17:42:05 2002
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Re: 请教专案管理的解决方案
发信站: 狮子吼站 (Lion , 信区: BudaTech)
==> 於 小水滴 (triper@Lion) 文中述及:
:   您列的需求,我觉得应再写详细一点,什麽功能,做到什麽程度,
: 如果列出来的东西,不算很大的话,何不自己操刀,这样虽然会花
: 点时间coding ,但以後要改就比较方便.....





~~人们并非因为年老而不在玩乐,而是因为不再玩乐而年老。 ~~霍姆兹

Ξ 狮子吼站相关资源:                               ◇ 南无护法韦驮尊天菩萨 ◇
佛教经典系列, 电子化经典初步汇整 - http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/canon/
Thu Jan 10 11:34:28 2002
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Re: 请教专案管理的解决方案
发信站: 狮子吼站 (Lion , 信区: BudaTech)
Double Choco Latte is a package that provides basic project management
capabilities, time tracking on tasks, call tracking, email notifications,
online documents, statistical reports, a report engine, and more features
are either working or being developed/planned. It is licensed under
the GPL (GNU Public License), which means it is free to study,
distribute, modify, and use.


Here is a list of requirements and options to run Double Choco Latte.

PHP - recent versions of 3 and version 4 both work.
Any OS that runs PHP (including UN*X, BSD, Linux, Windows)
A web server
A SQL Database
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
Microsoft SQL Server

Double Choco Latte provides basic project management, work orders, and call center tickets. It supports the following features and concepts:

Work Orders - Use for tracking history of almost anything: bugs, requests, maintenance, project tasks.
Projects - Include hierarchal support so sub-projects can be created. Parent project's statistics include all child project stats to provide an overall status of all projects.
Call Tickets - Use for contact with clients. Self-timing.
Time Cards - Time taken on a work order to accomplish an action. Multiple time cards can be input for a single work order.
Attribute Sets
An attribute set consists of: Actions, Priorities, Severities, Statuses.
Each product can support its own attribute set for work orders and tickets.
Accounts - Client based tracking
Personnel - People involved in the projects, including hierarchal support
Departments - To "categorize" personnel
Severities - List a bug's severity level
Priorities - Ranks bugs by priority
Statuses - Tracks bugs by status
Sequences - Related Work Orders carry the same Job Number and incremental sequence numbers. Can be used for projects.
Products - Obvious, but also can be assigned a person to "report to". Useful for product managers to track what they're responsible for.
E-Mail notification via watches.
Notification for statuses: Open, Close, Change
Optional notification for any activity
Can watch a product or project and receive E-Mails for their respective work orders
Can watch a specific work order.
Can also watch tickets in the same way, with the exception of projects.


This is a list of companies and projects that use DCL. If you'd like to add your company/project to this list, click here. BT Openworld Content Studio
Tim Gregory tim.gregory at bt.com
We about to roll out DCL to a team of designers and coders to handle bug reports and daily work order management on the portals we manage. We are also hoping to replace our current time-sheet system with DCL's timecard reporting.
Dallas Airmotive
Jorge Adrian Salaices asalaices at dallasairmotive.com
I am starting to use it to keep track of project that are assigned to all of the Techs and My Programmers. It has Great Functionality and it is very Easy to use.
ISO 90001:2000 Registration
Darryl VanDorp themaniac at users.sourceforge.net
DCL is used in our company to track project work related to our Quality System Registration. For example a work order is submitted to create documentation; or to track the progress of the creation of a new training program etc. DCL was/is very helpfull
in providing very granular detail of project implementation and maintains very detailed history.
National Community Services, Inc.
Jason Cater jason at ncsmags.com
Our IT department has switched from yellow stickies on the side of our monitors to this excellent ticket/project management system. I can now print out reports on practically any aspect of our support/development -- even reports that are useful for
management whom has no clue what a "trouble ticket" is to begin with. The beauty of this system is in its simplicity: Complex enough to do what you need... simple enough to be useful.
RUBIX Information Technologies, Inc.
Renny Koshy renny.koshy at rubixinfotech.com
We were on the search for an easy to use, easy to configure problem reporting & feature request system. Of all the programs that we've looked at, I've liked DCL the best. There were some program with slightly "nicer" UI's *but ONLY for Micro$oft
Windoze* -- which made them rather unattractive. The fact that it was an opensource development project made it even more desirable. Great Product
Derek Neighbors derek at gnue.org
We use DCL to manage all of our projects and trouble tickets for all our marketing and web development for USAHotelJobs.com. It has sped up development considerably as management and the programming team are now both more accountable to what is going
on in the projects.
Matt Garner mattg at webpipe.net
We use DCL as our support ticket management system, our order fulfillment system. It worked wonders for our support staff as they were using millions of PostIt notes and legal pads. We've integrated an automatic support email handling system which
automatically receives support mail, assigns the issue a ticket number, notifies the user, redirects to the appropriate staff based on keywords, and automatically tracks all correspondence in between! DCL is a life saver!
 Conquer Corporation
Walter Landman wlandman at conquer.net
We use it for managing our internal projects, the work that people outsource to us, and we handle other office matters. DCL offers plently of customization that fits 99% of our needs.
Embarcadero Publishing Company
Frank A. Bravo fabravo at EmbarcaderoPublishing.com
I have a staff of three who are responsible for several web sites and hardware/software support of our five physical sites. I looked for a long time to find a 100 percent web-based solution that would do what we needed and DCL is just that. We have
started to use it to track items called into our makeshift call center and it has performed great! Each of us can track problems and give insight into issues. It is all right there and accessible from anywhere! There are features we would never use,
but its customization allows for use to just use those parts we need. While I am still learning the technologies behind it, I am very pleased to have found it ?DCL itself is VERY easy to configure and use.
Lufthansa Systems Berlin
Herbert Mollien herbert.mollien at lhsystems.com
We use it mainly for bug-tracking purposes in a software development project.
Michael Dean mdean at users.sourceforge.net
This is the itch that needed scratching. Currently, DCL is being used in the call center for customer call tracking, development for tracking bugs and feature requests, hardware/networking for tracking maintenance issues, and QA for test cycle issues.
The MathWorks UK
Tom Yates tyates at gatekeeper.ltd.uk
We allow certain external users of MATLAB to report issues with custom products. DCL lets them report issues over the web, it lets us assign issues to engineers and track unresolved issues easily. It's great.
Dan Bethe dan_bethe at yahoo.com
I use it at home for managing my household of various renters and my basic life, and I've used it at various companies I've been at, to replace basic use of Microsoft Project. It's an essential groupware component, wrapped up in a nice SSL-protected
web page.


往昔所造诸恶业  皆由无始贪□痴  从身语意之所生  一切我今皆忏悔
罪从心起将心忏  心若灭时罪亦亡  心灭罪亡两俱空  是则名为真忏悔
Ξ 狮子吼站 版面介绍:                                          cbs.ntu.edu.tw
 佛典电子化讨论版 - 三藏经典电子化结集中                           BudaTech
Mon Mar 25 11:15:05 2002
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Re: 请教专案管理的解决方案
发信站: 狮子吼站 (Lion , 信区: BudaTech)
==> 於 凤兮 (tyuan@Lion) 文中述及:
: 试试这软体看看
:         http://dcl.sourceforge.net


~~人们并非因为年老而不在玩乐,而是因为不再玩乐而年老。 ~~霍姆兹

Ξ 狮子吼站相关资源:                               ◇ 南无护法韦驮尊天菩萨 ◇
⊙ 中华电子佛典协会, 三藏经典集结中: http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/cbeta/
Mon Mar 25 11:55:07 2002
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□ 台大狮子吼佛学专站  http://buddhaspace.org