On Fri, 21 Jun 1996, Michael cheung wrote:
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> I would like to sponsor to your web page , since
> inside your web page I can get so many information
> on buddism and having a chance to let me know about it .
Sorry, we don't need money support :)
However, thank you very much for your encouragement :)
> Moreover , I would like to know more on buddism , but because of
> speed of your link is too slow so would you send me all your buddism
> materials and information directly from email and let me know how to
you can go to the ftp:
the /buddhism directory contain the electric books
on my WWW :)
> pay you the cheque as my personal donations to you.
> Accordingly, we may joy together to do more about buddism and
> at this moment, personally, I have a computer systems company in Hongkong,
> and having four programmers are working for me so if you have any
> problems you may contact me when you like.
> Please keep it on and try to do better !
There are several buddhism orginazations beginning to
cooperate about buddhism in the net these days.
I'll transfer this mail to them, and see if they need help :)
Thank you very much!
May dharma be with you :)
HomePage: http://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~b83050
E-mail: b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw ; david@math.ncu.edu.tw
邱大刚, Sophomore of Electrical Engineering Department,NTU.