以下这位大德提到是否有人知道哪儿有佛教美术及音乐等的 Web 资讯呢?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 08:01:23 -0700
From: Ken O'Neill <koneill@azstarnet.com>
To: david@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw
Subject: Your Wonderful Website
Dear David:
Congratulations on a wonderful Buddhist website.
I have been a Buddhist teacher since 1972. I have a Masters Degree in
Budhist Studies as well as ordination and transmission of Dharma
teaching authority from Japan. I live in Tucson, Arizona, a wonderful
desert city.
Only today did I discover the English section of your site; for some
weeks I've been using a Big 5 reader, slowly and painfully going through
the Chinese.
My interests are Buddhist sutras, as well as the wonderful collections
of Buddhist art and music I'm now finding. Can you direct me to other
sources of Buddhist art on computer???
I'm also looking for cassette tapes and CDs of Buddhist chanting and
modern Buddhist music.
We have a small and growing Buddhist temple I founded in Tucson since
moving from the San Francisco area several years ago. We stress the
universal outlook of Buddhism, especially omitofo and quanyin.
Rev. Kenneth O'Neill
Post Office Box 31432
Tucson, Arizona 85751-1432