~---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 01:38:46 +0800 (CST)
From: David Chiou <b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw>
Subject: TaiSho CD-ROM Information!
以下有另一份关於日本方面将大正藏全部输入 CD 介绍。
历史上,经典难得有像现在台湾易於取得的 :)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 16:06:26 EDT
From: Nobumi Iyanaga <n-iyanag@cc.win.or.jp>
Subject: Re: Taisho CD=ROM
Charles Muller <acmuller@gol.com> announced the release of the Taisho
CD-ROM by Daizo-Shuppan. Although I didn't yet see it, I can add some
information about it that I heard from some of my friends.
Muller 刚刚向大家宣告了 Daizo-Shuppan 公司所发行的大正藏 CD-ROM 消息。
1. This CD-ROM is for the Windows format (probably the Japanese Windows
3.1 and later).
一、这片 CD 是采用 Windows 的格式(可能是日本 Windows 3.1 以上)。
2. Daizo-Shuppan is intending to input in the CD-ROM format all the 100
(or 85?) volumes of the Taisho Canon: each volume in one CD, costing 25,000
yen (!!). But in fact, before, they were meaning to charge it even more
expensive: 50,000 yen, each CD (!!!). They had to reduce the price because
many people asked for it.
二、该公司打算将来将全部的 100 册大正藏都输入 CD 中。
每一片 CD 包含一册的大正藏,售价 25000 日元(译注:约五千多块台币)。
但是事实上,他们还考虑卖得更贵:本片 CD 50,000 日元耶!
(译注:天呀... 凯子太多了.. 穷人怎麽翻身? )
3. This CD-ROM comes with a search engine which seems very powerful and
very "user-friendly". I heard that we can search a word with multiple
possibility of combination in a text of the length of _Daichido-ron_, and
this takes only some 4 or 5 seconds with a Pentium machine... It is
possible to print out each page with absolutely all its content (collation
notes, rare characters, "yomikudashi-marks", etc.); and the quality of the
print-out is very fine (I saw an example, and this is really impressing:
the pages are much more readable than those of the paper edition...).
三、这片 CD 附带著一个很有威力、使用方式又很亲切的搜寻系统。
我听说我们可以用复合条件来搜寻一个字,在 Pentium 上这只须花
4 或 5 秒的时间。
4. The copy-right of the original edition (of the Taisho-Showa era) is
going to expire the next year (the recent reprint has some minor
corrections, and has a new copy-right).
原来纸版的大正藏版权将在明年到期! (译注:也就是之後我们佛典
输入都可以采用大正藏的格式,不必再受到日本的限制了! 不知有人能
确定这个消息吗? 虽然末学已经听了这个消息好几遍了 :) )
In fact, in Japan at least, there
are many Taisho Canon texts in e-text format (often input by the OCR
technology), made and used by scholars... There is a team in the Japanese
Society of Indology and Buddhology and they are intending to input all the
Taisho Canon in e-text format: this project will be achieved in two (or
three ?) years -- and these texts will be distributed freely on the net (or
other forms...). As this will not be a commercial product, this will not
have an user-interface so perfect as that of the Daizo-Shuppan CD-ROM; but
all the information of pages will be input (the "yomikudashi-marks", rare
(时常是以 OCR 扫瞄进去的),这些电子档是由师兄们输入及使用的。
在日本(Japanese Society of Indology and Buddhology)还有一个小组,
他们正计划将输入所有的大正藏经典:这个计画可能在这二、三年内完成 ——
由於这是个非商业的输入,所以不会有如同这片 CD 那麽好的使用者介面
极可能作得比这片 CD 的来得好)。不过这个免费的版本仍会将大正藏中所有的
characters, etc.). As to the rare characters, i.e. not encoded characters
in the extant (Chinese, Korean or Japanese) encodings of characters, they
will use the method proposed by the International Zen Study Institute of
the Hanazono University -- and technologically, this will be certainly
better than the method used by the Daizo-Shuppan CD-ROM (I think that
there, the rare characters are represented by graphical substitutes, so
that they are "visible", but not encoded...).
在那片计画中的免费 CD 上,佛典造字的运题将采用日本花园大学
国际禅学研究中心的 IRIZ KanjiBase(IRIZ 汉字库程式)来解决。
以这种方式来说,比起这片 Daizo_Shuppan CD 的技术还好
5. In Taiwan and in Korea, there are other projects of inputting the whole
Chinese Canon in e-text format. It seems that these projects are in more
advanced stage than those of the Japanese two projects...
输入事宜,让大家能一同运作。像造字集及 master data 等,
There are certainly other projects of inputting in e-text format other
Chinese or Japanese collections of Buddhist texts... All this will make a
really great revolution in our studies in general; but I think that we are
at a very important and critical moment too: all these new technological
innovations can be the cause, at the same time, of both a more great
"democratization" of our studies, and a more great "elitization" (?) of the
same... (see the cost of CD-ROMs, for example...; and should all scholars
have the "computer-literacy" to do their researches...?).
以及「精英化」。(举例来说,看看 CD-ROM 的售价...
还有,难道所有的学者必须具备电脑知识才能进行他们的研究工作吗? )
Talking of that, I have a question. Does anyone know a good search engine
for 2-byte code texts for Macintosh similar to egrep or ygrep for DOS and
UNIX? In general, the Macintosh system seems very good for the handling of
"multi-lingual environment", but there are very few utility tools for the
text processing like those of DOS and UNIX systems...
说到这个,我想到了一个问题。有任何人知道在麦金塔上有没有像 DOS 或 UNIX 上的
egrep 或 ygrep 二位元组搜寻程式? 大体上来说,麦金塔在处理多国语文环境上
有著非常不错的表现,但是比起 DOS 或 UNIX ,麦金塔上的工具程式实在是太少了。
Thank you in advance for any suggestion and idea.
Nobumi Iyanaga