~---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 02:00:54 +0800 (CST)
From: David Chiou <b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw>
Subject: CJK Off-line
以下是关於日本 CJK 佛学辞典的原文:
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 16:15:07 EDT
From: Charles Muller <acmuller@gol.com>
Subject: CJK Character dictionary off-line
Dear Buddha-L Colleagues;
I have had the recent good fortune of finding a company in Japan who wants
to publish my CJK Character Dictionary as a computerized software package in
CD-ROM. Therefore, in order to protect my material until after this
publication, I have decided to take this dictionary off line. The good news
for Web users of the dictionary is that it will eventually reappear in a
highly professional database format, with about 8,000 characters (and
eventually in Unicode). The Dictionary of Buddhist Terms will remain
online, as is. My apologies to any WWWebbers who have been referring to the
Charles Muller
Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University
1660 Hiregasaki, Nagareyama-shi
Chiba 271 Japan
Phone (home): 0473-65-0341
Fax: 0471-50-3006
E-Mail: acmuller@gol.com
WWWeb: http://www2.gol.com/users/acmuller/index.htm