作者 melissadanks@yahoo.com (Melissa Danks)
标题 Fwd: We should all try it
时间 Sun May 22 14:00:01 2005
Hi friends,
You know I never send out these bulk emails so please forgive me this one time.
Don't worry, I am not part of some pyramid scheme or getting you to
visit a site so I can make money, this one seems legit and was passed on by a c
ose dear friend.
The site gets people together to pray for one person. I think it is a fantastic
idea and it really touched me that someone would do this sort of thing.
You don't have to sign up for a mailing list or give any personal information,
ou just have to visit the site and read about the person who requested you
pray for them.
PLEASE pass it on to all your friends and maybe we can make a difference. Thank
for reading this far :) Before I forget, the site is
Melissa :)
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