
[□聊] 纪念
发信站: 批踢踢实业 (ptt.cc )
1986  1/28 挑战者号

2003  2/1  哥伦比亚号




今年太空梭就要退役了, 好想去趟美国看现场发射!!!
2010/01/30 Sat 04:03:05
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Re: [□聊] 纪念
发信站: 批踢踢实业 (ptt.cc )
※ 引述《windwind (~~公行魂~~)》之铭言:
: 纪念
: 壮烈牺牲的太空英雄
: 推 vicwk:苏联时代 也有太空人殉职 不知谁有资料?                   01/30 09:31
: 推 NBL123:苏联时代殉职的太空人有点多... 不过我不知道详细数字     01/30 14:25
: → NCC1305:目前知道苏联死於太空的有4人,1人是太空舱降落伞没开直接 01/31 09:28
: → NCC1305:落地、3人在降落阶段时太空舱空气漏光。其馀的就是训练事 01/31 09:29
: → NCC1305:故及被火箭爆炸波及的整备人员                          01/31 09:30

找到了太空舱降落伞没开的这件资料 Komarov
24 April 1967 - Crash of Soyuz 1. Cosmonaut Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov
is killed at age 40.

Re-entry was successful and the drag chute deployed. However due to a flaw
during manufacture, the parachute compartment housing was too rough and
the main parachute would not deploy. Komarov released the reserve chute,
but it became tangled with the drag chute. The descent module crashed into
a field near Orenburg at 03:24 GMT.
2010/02/01 Mon 17:12:08
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