发信人: tlyeh.bbs@bbs.csie.ncu.edu.tw (aliang),
因为小山教授在太空所 协助建置的电浆真空系统 开幕开放使用典礼 相冲
所以 需要紧急改期
** 若有意参加 6/22全程听讲到 17:30的请推文(在纯真站) 演讲後拟 酌备点心
现场将有翻译 (纯真站 naiveage.me.ncu.edu.tw
提醒 今天5/18 第一场 讲 太阳系的概念
以便 下一次6/8->改到6/22 讲 探空 卫星 的 仪器技术 为了什麽
很棒的老师 把原理 讲得很清楚透彻 也会讲 他们探索的逻辑
5/18 6/8->22 中央光机电所演讲 探空与卫星累积的太空环境知识
中央大学 光机电工程所 硕士班专题演讲
Inst of Opto-Mechatronics Engr Seminar Announcement
Host: Tse-Liang Yeh tlyeh@cc.ncu.edu.tw 0968-666821
Our Intelligent Assets on Space Environments acquired
with Sounding Rockets and Satellites □ Victory of instrumentations -
Koh-ichiro Oyama 小山 孝一郎
Visiting Professor, Institute of Space Science, National Central University
* 5/18 Friday 15:30-17:00 E4-104 Dept Mech Engr, Nat’l Central U, Jong-Li, 03-4
This talk will start by presenting our knowledge on our solar system
and our universe.
I will, then, describe that these intelligent assets are results of
successful instrumentations. I will touch general engineering aspects
on the sounding rocket / launcher of satellites which accommodate
the instruments.
The launcher (rocket) itself needs many instrumentation systems such as
the attitude control system, the communication system, the command and
data handling system, and the ranging system.
The instruments on board the rocket /or satellite range from plasma probes
(electron / ion density, temperature), energetic particle analyzer,
electric/magnetic field sensor, photometer (photo-spectrometer), and others.
This instrumentation is a combination of technologies from many engineering
fields, such as physics, chemistry, mechanics, fluid dynamics, electronics,
and photonics.
Finally one of the most important factors for a big project is team-work.
Space development needs contribution of almost all government ministries.
The space development is a result of a successful system engineering.
* 6/8->22 Friday 15:30-17:00 E4-104 Dept Mech Engr,
Nat’l Central U, Jong-Li, 03-4267300
In the second talk, I will describe several unsolved basic problems
in the thermosphere / ionosphere region and the instruments
which should be developed.
I will stress that sounding rocket launches from Taiwan can do many
leading sciences.
I will also describe future vehicles (reusable rockets) and
tools for the observation (e.g. the tethered system),
which might provide a break through in the field of
lower ionosphere / thermosphere research.
Although my talk touches mainly the instrumentations for earth environment,
successful planetary exploration is only possible by using
established technologies which are accumulated in the sounding rocket
and earth orbiting satellite missions.
→ tlyeh:http://mvmc.me.ncu.edu.tw/tlyeh/ 05/18
→ tlyeh: nspo-oyama/nspo-oyama.htm 05/18