Rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you
at the revelation of Jesus Christ. □ 1 Peter 1:13
我相信整本圣经都是互相印证的,与我们息息相关。然而,当我按 11 月的
活的盼望。(彼得前书 1 章 3-5 节)
义人且垂听他们的祈祷。(3 章 10-12 节)
过了试验,就比精金更宝贵。而信心的最终效果,便是我们灵魂的得救。(1 章
6-9 节)
得了重生(1 章 22-23 节)。
Advent Themes
December 1, 2011 □ by Julie Ackerman Link
I believe that all Scripture is related and all Scripture is
relevant. Nevertheless, I was surprised when my November reading in
the book of 1 Peter touched on all four themes of Advent □ that
period of time on the church calendar when many Christians prepare to
celebrate the first coming of Christ while looking forward to His
second coming. During Advent, we emphasize hope, peace, joy, and love,
which God sent with Christ.
HOPE. We have an inheritance reserved in heaven, a living hope
through the resurrection of Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3-5).
PEACE. We will love life and see good days if we turn from evil
and do good and if we seek peace, for the Lord watches over the
righteous and hears their prayers (3:10-12).
JOY. We have inexpressible joy even though we have trials because
our faith is being tested and proven genuine. The end of this faith is
the salvation of our souls (1:6-9).
LOVE. We can love one another with a pure heart because we have
been born again through the Word of God which lives and abides forever
Because Christ came the first time, we can live with hope, peace,
joy, and love till He comes again.
The hope we have in Jesus Christ
Brings joy into our heart;
And when we know the love of God,
His peace He will impart. □Sper
他赐平安充满心间。 Sper
If you 』 re looking for hope, peace, joy, and love this Christmas
season, look to God.