#1 |
Mike Hsyu
(cd.twbbs.org )
原作□Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
「你当走的路甚远。」(圣经列王纪上十九章 7 节)
的都是睡眠和调养。有许多属灵的伟人都像以利亚一般 —— 在罗腾树
下求死!啊,听哪,这声调何等甘甜 ——「起来□罢,因为你当走的
—— 选
"I'm too tired to trust and too tired to pray,
Said one, as the over-taxed strength gave way.
The one conscious thought by my mind possessed,
Is, oh, could I just drop it all and rest.
"Will God forgive me, do you suppose,
If I go right to sleep as a baby goes,
Without an asking if I may,
Without ever trying to trust and pray?
"Will God forgive you? why think, dear heart,
When language to you was an unknown art,
Did a mother deny you needed rest,
Or refuse to pillow your head on her breast?
"Did she let you want when you could not ask?
Did she set her child an unequal task?
Or did she cradle you in her arms,
And then guard your slumber against alarms?
"Ah, how quick was her mother love to see,
The unconscious yearnings of infancy.
When you've grown too tired to trust and pray,
When over-wrought nature has quite given way:
"Then just drop it all, and give up to rest,
As you used to do on a mother's breast,
He knows all about it--the dear Lord knows,
So just go to sleep as a baby goes;
"Without even asking if you may,
God knows when His child is too tired to pray.
He judges not solely by uttered prayer,
He knows when the yearnings of love are there.
"He knows you do pray, He knows you do trust,
And He knows, too, the limits' of poor weak dust.
Oh, the wonderful sympathy of Christ,
For His chosen ones in that midnight tryst,
"When He bade them sleep and take their rest,
While on Him the guilt of the whole world pressed--
You've given your life up to Him to keep,
Then don't be afraid to go right to sleep."
本文录自信望爱全球资讯网 http://www.fhl.net/
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Copyright(c) 财团法人信望爱资讯文化艺术基金会 All Rights Reserved.
信望爱全球资讯网 —— 与你分享耶稣基督、分享爱与人生
□ 神要擦去他们一切的眼泪,
□□□ 不再有死亡,
□ 也不再有悲哀、哭号、疼痛,
□ 因为以前的事都过去了。
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CDBBS 中正□梦园BBS站 欢迎莅临参观 cd.twbbs.org (
http://cd.twbbs.org□ * Author: mikehsyu ★ From: □
2011/12/23 Fri 22:02:53
#2 |
Mike Hsyu
(cd.twbbs.org )
原作□Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
「你当走的路甚远。」(圣经列王纪上十九章 7 节)
的都是睡眠和调养。有许多属灵的伟人都像以利亚一般 —— 在罗腾树
下求死!啊,听哪,这声调何等甘甜 ——「起来□罢,因为你当走的
—— 选
"I'm too tired to trust and too tired to pray,
Said one, as the over-taxed strength gave way.
The one conscious thought by my mind possessed,
Is, oh, could I just drop it all and rest.
"Will God forgive me, do you suppose,
If I go right to sleep as a baby goes,
Without an asking if I may,
Without ever trying to trust and pray?
"Will God forgive you? why think, dear heart,
When language to you was an unknown art,
Did a mother deny you needed rest,
Or refuse to pillow your head on her breast?
"Did she let you want when you could not ask?
Did she set her child an unequal task?
Or did she cradle you in her arms,
And then guard your slumber against alarms?
"Ah, how quick was her mother love to see,
The unconscious yearnings of infancy.
When you've grown too tired to trust and pray,
When over-wrought nature has quite given way:
"Then just drop it all, and give up to rest,
As you used to do on a mother's breast,
He knows all about it--the dear Lord knows,
So just go to sleep as a baby goes;
"Without even asking if you may,
God knows when His child is too tired to pray.
He judges not solely by uttered prayer,
He knows when the yearnings of love are there.
"He knows you do pray, He knows you do trust,
And He knows, too, the limits' of poor weak dust.
Oh, the wonderful sympathy of Christ,
For His chosen ones in that midnight tryst,
"When He bade them sleep and take their rest,
While on Him the guilt of the whole world pressed--
You've given your life up to Him to keep,
Then don't be afraid to go right to sleep."
本文录自信望爱全球资讯网 http://www.fhl.net/
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Copyright(c) 财团法人信望爱资讯文化艺术基金会 All Rights Reserved.
信望爱全球资讯网 —— 与你分享耶稣基督、分享爱与人生
□ 神要擦去他们一切的眼泪,
□□□ 不再有死亡,
□ 也不再有悲哀、哭号、疼痛,
□ 因为以前的事都过去了。
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CDBBS 中正□梦园BBS站 欢迎莅临参观 cd.twbbs.org (
http://cd.twbbs.org□ * Author: mikehsyu ★ From: □
2012/12/23 Sun 21:33:39
□ 台大狮子吼佛学专站 http://buddhaspace.org
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