David Chiou:

刚好看到一篇论文,无著比丘提出 SN 51.22 提到铁丸的 pabhassarataro (光耀)不太合理,有可能如同其他几处巴利经文般是被上座分别说部分支赤铜鍱部的传抄者加上“光耀”这个字,那些经文在其他各传承的经文(汉、藏、考古遗迹片段一类的)中都没有 pabhassarataro ,但在南传都多了 pabhassarataro。

在这篇论文 The Luminous Mind in Theravāda and Dharmaguptaka Discourses 中,对于 SN 51.22 无著比丘是这么论述:

The passage in question describes an iron ball that has been heated all day such that it becomes more light, soft, workable, and luminous. Similar to the condition of such a heated iron ball, as a result of engaging in a certain meditation practice the Buddha’s body becomes more light, soft, workable, and luminous. No parallel to this discourse is known to me, wherefore nothing further can be said from a comparative perspective.

Nevertheless, in relation to my present topic I would like to note that for the Buddha’s body to become “more luminous”, pabhassarataro, at least as long as the term is understood in a visible sense,38 seems less straightforward than for the same to be said of a heated iron ball. This is not to deny that in describing the mind a metaphor has its place or that meditation practice can have visible effects on the body. My point is only that when iron is heated up, it will indeed emit light, whereas for a comparable effect to happen with the human body of someone immersed in meditation is considerably less self-evident.

我找到中国古代翻译的《解脱道论》有一段叙述和 SN 51.22 相同:

《解脱道论》卷9〈五通品 9〉:“彼坐禅人修四如意足。以作自在心。其身随心其心成随身。彼坐禅人于时安身。于心安心于身。以由身心变。以由心身变。以由身心受持。以由心身受持。或乐想或轻想着于身。于著成住。彼坐禅人如是现修成最轻。其身成最软最堪受持。如铁丸为火所烧随意作物。如是以修心成身轻。以轻故入第四禅。安详念出能分别虚空。以智受持。如是于虚空此身当起。以智受持。于虚空成起。如风吹绵缕。”(CBETA, T32, no. 1648, p. 442, a6-15)

看来也是根据 SN 51.22,当中引用的经文的确没有提到“光耀”这回事。

《解脱道论》是南传古代的大论,可能也是后来南传觉音著作《清净道论》的重要参考之一,在公元515年梁朝翻译为中文,看来在当时 SN 51.22 还没有pabhassarataro (光耀)这个字,这个字可能如无著比丘所推论是较晚期的南传传抄者加入的。就五通的理论而言,“光”跟开发天眼通较相关,的确跟神足通没有直接关系。

元亨寺版的 SN 51.22 在这里翻译为“清净”,看我们是否适合翻译为这一类,保留解读的空间?


Anderson Chang:



另一方面,这里是一部短片,将铁球加热到1000度,确实会很光耀。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqTXNr7aSYk


David Chiou:


反正只是比喻,这个例子只能意会,不能认真谈物理 :-D

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